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Junior POV

Mia agreed to come with me and practice in the park. Kairi and shadow are also going. So when I get to Mia's house I knock on the door. The door opens with maka in the doorway.

"Hello Mrs. Evans. I'm here to-" I start.

"Take her on a date?" Maka asks excited. "She finally gets a boyfriend! I'm so happy for her. I'm really glad its you death Jr. Your such a sweet boy! Tell your father I said hi!"

"No no! I'm her Meister!" I explain. Her shoulders sink.

"Well that's still good!" Maka smiles. "Mia! Death Jr. Is here!"

"What?" Soul walks in front of maka. "Hey! How's your dad?"

"Um good?"

"Good! Tell him I said hey! Wait your here for mia?"

"Yeah..." I blush.

"I'm just warning you. If you get her pregnant. Your dead. I don't mind you two dating, but anything more, your dick will be cut off." I blush and back away nervously. Mia pushes past her parents.

"Bye mama, papa. Let's go junior." Mia runs to her motorcycle. Maka smile and waves and soul shakes his head. I walk up to mia. "Come on!" She pats the back of her seat. I picture me wrapping my arms around her waist in my mind. Usually the girl wraps their arms around the guy.

"This is the exact opposite what I thought going to the park with you would be like."

"No this is better! By the way how did you get here?"

"I used my skateboard."

"Well we are using my bike papa gave me yesterday."

"Wait have you ever driven this?"

"Nope! Let's go"

"Heh I'll just walk there..." I back up. She grabs my arm and pulls me on. She slams a helmet on my head.

"Let's go!" Mia starts the motorcycle. And we make our way to the park. Surprisingly she drives just fine. When we get there Kairi and shadow are already practicing. Kairi inherited all of tsubakis weapons. Even the shadow weapons. They even look the same as tsubakis weapon forms. Mia parks. She helps me off the bike. I feel silly. We walk over to shadow.

"Ready to fight shad?" I ask. She nods. "OK mia. Change!"

"Right!" She changes and I grab the gray and black scythe. Our souls can resonate easy. i search her in awe. beautiful.

"Ok ready? Blade be blunt." Shad says ready to slaughter an army.

"Right!" Mia says.

"Ready go!" I yell.

"Katana!" Shadow yells to Kairi. I run to shad and swing at her waist she backs up and easily hits me in the chest and I fall back. I stand up and shake it off. She runs towards me. I trip her and she stumbles. I trap her between the blade and me. I punch her until she falls. She jumps up fast with a bloody nose. She uses smoke bomb. I can't see. I turn around and she hits me. I look around for her but see nothing. I hear a slight breath. I turn slightly and shad hits me with her soul wavelength, but I punch her chest with my wavelength at the Same time. When she forced her wavelength on me i manipulated it with my own wavelength and pushed it all in my hand while I punched her. It doubled the attack. It bounced back on herself. She flies to a tree.

"What are you doing?" A lady screams at me.

"Practice!" I say. Shad stands up and falls again.

"Oh my!" The lady rushes to her side.

"I'm ok! We are students at the DWMA. We are just practicing!" Shad calms the lady down.

"Damn you kids scared me! Be careful!" She yells and walks away.

"I win!" I yell. Kairi turns back. So does mia. We high five each other. Shad winces in pain. "Oh sorry" I apologize.

"One punch" shad says holding up a finger. I nod and embrace myself. She punches my face hard. I fall and mia trips on my leg and falls on top of me. She looks at me and blushes.

"This isn't like the movies! I'm not going to kiss you!"


"Well for the heck of it." She helps me up.

"Wha?" Mia hugs me.

"Thank you." she says. i smile and hug her back.

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