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"Raven." I hear a familiar voice say as I gather my books from my locker.

I smile, then shut my locker and turn around to the direction of the voice.


He smiles, his once blue hair now a soft, lilac color.

"You changed your hair color." I say.

He nods. "Maybe you can get yours dyed lilac too."

I nod. "Maybe."

I begin to walk to my next class, not expecting him to follow me.

But, he does. "I heard you're staying at Luke's?" He says that almost like a question, like as if he was asking if it was true.

"Yeah." I look over at him. "For the month."

"And...his parents are alright with it?" He questions.

I laugh. "I don't know, they weren't there yesterday.."

"Well" he looks down. "If anything happens, I'm right down the street." He smiles happily.

"Thanks mikey. I appreciate it" I smile at him.

"So where's Luke?" He asks me.

"I dunno. He drove me to school this morning.."

"Pfft." Michael scoffs in a playful way, a smile curling into his lips. " He's probably asking the biology teacher for more homework"

I laugh.

"What?" Mikey laughs along with me. "He'd do that. Honestly, I think he's done that more than once."

"Awe. Don't make fun of him. It's adorable, him being a nerd and all but..." I can't help but burst out laughing.

Michael put a hand on my shoulder and laughs hard at my response.

"Oh my. Poor lukey" I continue to laugh, but Michael stops and just stares at me, a smile tugging at his lips.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing.." He trails off. "Oh look! It's Calum!" He points in a direction, which I follow with my vision.

There, as he exclaimed, was Calum, swiftly walking towards us.

"Hi Raven..Michael" acknowledges us, a smile on his face as he wiggles his eyebrows at Michael, his eyes going back and fourth between both of us.

Michael realizes his hand is still resting on my shoulder, and slowly brings his hand down to his side.

"Do you know where Luke is?" Michael asks him.

Cal chuckles, and points his finger to the classroom next to us. "He's getting extra credit in physics. Don't know how, since they don't give out extra credit, but every teacher loves him so they find an exception."

And that's when Michael and I burst out laughing

"We almost got it right!" He says.

Calum looks at us oddly, and looks behind us. "Oh there's Ashton! I gotta get his history notes." He says, and walks past us to Ashton.

Luke then walks out of the physics classroom and sees Michael and I.

He flinches, and then smiles. "Hey guys" he says shyly.

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