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"When you said 'Netflix and chill.' I didn't think you meant actually Netflix and chill." I laugh as Luke plays the next episode of Vampire Diaries.

His eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean? I thought we are Netflixing and chilling, see?"

His arm was wrapped around my waist, and I was cuddling up to him, my hand resting on his chest, the other around his waist.

I shake my head, but let it go.

"So tomorrow's the day..." Luke sighs.

I hit his chest, and he turns his head towards me. "What?"

"Don't speak of it. Tomorrow is not today."

"Yeah..but it's tomorrow.." He leans in close.

I do the same. "You make no sense."

He comes closer. "Neither do you."

Our noses brush each other's as we kiss again, for what it feels like the millionth time, but also every kiss feels like the first.

See, I don't make sense.

We jump apart when we hear a gunshot from the tv. "God, that scared me." I laugh.

He smiles down at me, and runs a hand through my hair.
"How are we gonna spend our last night together for 10 months..."

I roll my eyes. "Well I thought we were on the same page before but yeah. I was wrong." I giggle, and he pecks my lips quickly.

We stay silent for a few moments, until Luke clears his throat. "Um..Raven?"

He sits up and leans against the headboard of the bed, and pulls me up, so I rest in between his legs, my back against his front.

His arms wrap around my stomach, and he rests his chin on top of my head. "Hm?" I softly ask.

"I..I'm not just,.." He coughs. "You know, your rebound, right?"

A sudden feeling of sadness rushes through me, but I shake my head.

I'm disappointed in myself because I've had feelings towards Luke ever since I met him, and I got together with Michael anyway.

And when Luke confessed to me, I still ran back to Michael, who just broke my heart anyway.

"Hey," Luke whispers, holding me closer. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head. "Nothing it's just..." I shake my head again, and move my head so I'm facing Luke, and give him a smile. "Nothing now."

He smiles happily and stares up at me. "Great. What time is it?"

I pick up my phone that was on the bed next to me. "Um 11:00."

His eyes widen. "Only ten more hours." He sleepily says.
"Till we leave."

I shake my head and sigh. "I can't believe it. Still."

He nuzzles his head between the crook of my neck. "Mhm."

Luke is a very touchy feely person, but I'm not sure whether it's just because he's leaving tomorrow.

"How bout we-" Luke was cut off by the sudden ring of the doorbell.

"What the hell?" Luke mutters. "It's almost midnight!"

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