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I tried to put on a smile when I zipped up my lion onesie I got from Luke a while ago.

It's November fourth, well, almost the fifth considering it was eleven at night, and Gray and I were having a movie marathon in the living room while my dad was out somewhere doing who knows what.

"What movie are we going to watch now?" I ask gray as the ending credits rolled onto the screen after the spongebob square pants movie had ended.

Gray shrugs. "Let's just put on vampire diaries. Elena is really hot." He chuckles.

I smile at him. "Well so are the Salvatore brothers."

He nods. "Yeah yeah." He waves a hand and hits play.

In the past couple days, Grayson and I resolved our issues about the kiss we had shared, and decided to forget it for better purposes.

I still had no phone, which is really depressing. And still no contact with Luke. I cant fathom the idea of seeing his depressed face.

I sighed as I leaned into grays arms.


I groan in frustration when I try to call Ashton, but he doesn't pick up.

I landed in Sacramento, California about two hours ago, now it being ten at night.

I had no idea how to find Raven, or what city she lived in.

Plus I was scared.

So, solving the problem, I tried to remember one of the conversations Raven and I had a while back.

Flashback:(I never wrote this in a previous chapter.)

"You know what I always wanted?" Raven whispers to me before we go to bed

My arm finds its way around her waist, and I pull her close to me, breathing in her breathtaking scent. "Hm?"

"A dog. I loved dogs. But my dad never let me have one." She whispers sadly.

"Why not?"

"He was afraid it would rip up his papers for work."

I nod. "Ohh. What would you name it?"

She shrugs. "Probably Tyler. If it were a boy."

----end of flashback-----

I made my way to the dog shelter that was down the street of where I was.

In all honesty, I had no idea where I was.

So I walked into the shelter with my phone in hand.

I smiled at the lady at the reception desk. "How can I help you?"

"Um yeah..im here to adopt a dog."


Hours of looking at adorable dogs, one spots my eye that makes me think of Raven.

I don't know if it was the adorable eyes, or the way it stared at me when I walked passed it. But I knew this dog was it.

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