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My dad and I landed in California hours later, while I still feel guilty for leaving my friends.

I hold my broken phone in my lap in the car, as we drive to our new house.

Even though I was eighteen, I'm afraid to leave my dad alone.

With my brother's death anniversary coming up, he'll be a mess. So I decided to stay with him because I'll be a mess too.

"We're here, Raven." My dad says as we pull up into a small houses driveway.

I sigh, noticing both our cars there. "Dad, I need a new phone."

He sighs "honey, I can't afford one right now."

I cross my arms over my chest, and hop out of the moving truck. "Well I need to talk to my friends."

He smiles at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry sweetie."

I shrug. "It's not like I'm not used to leaving things behind. Oh wait-I never had anything to leave."

My dad and I sigh simultaneously, and we begin to unpack the truck.


Hours and hours later, when we finally finished unpacking, there was a knock at the door.

My dad insisted on going to the store to by food since we had none, so I was home alone.


I groaned as I stood up, and walked to the door with a grumpy look on my face.

I open it, and my eyes practically pop out of my head when I see who it is.

Grayson. Or-er..gray. He was standing outside the door with a plate of cookies, one of them being in his mouth. "Welcome to the-dear lord..." He mutters when his eyes meet mine.

A smile takes over his face when he sees me. "Is this a dream? Am i dreaming?" He says, setting the plate of cookies down onto the outdoor table. "I must be."

I laugh and shake my head. "No. I'm here."

He chuckles.

"Come in." I reckon, and he steps inside the new house, while I pick up the plate of cookies.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask him, placing the cookies on the table before sitting down onto the couch beside him.

He raises an eyebrow with an confused look on his face. "Me? I live across the street. The real question is why are you here?"

I shrug. "Dad got relocated in his job."

"Ah." Gray nods. "I see."


"So..how are you and that rockstar?" He asks uncomfortably. "I thought I'd just ask seeming as if I say his Instagram and-" he cuts himself off when he sees my depressing face. "Awe Raven." His arms wrap Around my body as he pulls me closer to him, resting his chin on the top of my head as I silently cry. "Shh. He's an asshole."

I force a laugh, and look up to see grays face.

"He doesn't deserve a girl as great and beautiful as you."

I smile at that. "Gray, I'm not-"

He cuts me off when his hand that was once in my hip slowly moves up to my chin.

"Uh, Gray?"

"Shh." He whispers. "Do you want me to kick this guys ass?"

I nod. "but I kind of feel like I need to make amends with him."

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