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Luke and I finally reached the party.

Luke parks his car a block a way because of how may people were here.

"I'll have you know" I rest my arm on Luke's broad shoulder. "I have never been to a party"

Luke chuckles. "That's okay."

I raise my eyebrows "you've been to some before?"

He scoffs as we near the door to the house. "Hell yeah. I'm quite the partier"

"Well lucky you" I say and accidentally slide my arm down his back trying to get it back down to my side.

When we step into the house, I am overwhelmed with the aroma of sweat and booze.

I scrunch up my face with disgust and turn to face Luke."it smells gross in here"

He nods. "I know."

"Luke!" A guys voice exclaims.

The guys voice belongs to a bleach blonde, nearly white, haired boy with grey-blue eyes.

He wraps an arm around Luke's shoulder. "Glad you made it!" He looks over at me and smirks. "Who's this?"

"I'm Raven" I speak up.

The boy smiles "I'm Jadin Hathaway. Nice to meet you Raven."

I smile back and then look over to Luke, who was glaring at Jadin.

Luke puts his arm around my waist "see ya Jadin."

"Bye guys! have fun!"

"Luke." I say. "What was that about?"

He shrugs. "He was getting in my nerves."

I sigh.

"So..do you want a drink?"he asks me.

I nod, because why not.

"I'll be back." Luke says as his hand leaves my waist.

He walks away, and I lean up against the wall behind me.


Luke hasn't come back for a while, so I thought Maybe he went to the bathroom....

I sigh after twenty minutes of waiting and walk over into the kitchen to get a drink myself.

Before I take a sip, I hear a voice behind me. "Hey there, beautiful."

Ashton's arms wrap around my shoulders from behind, his beer-reeking breath hits my neck, making me shiver.

"Do you want to dance?" He asks as green day's "boulevard of broken dreams" plays through the speakers.

I hesitate, but nod anyway. "Ashton, you're drunk." I say as he almost stumbles into a couple next to us on the dance floor, but I grab his arm and steady him.

He smiles widely, and wraps his arm over mine "I know."

He takes my hand and rests it on his shoulder. Then, he puts his hand on my waist.

He sways back and fourth to the music, bringing me with him.

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me" Ashton sings, his voice shaking.

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