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"I'm pregnant." Those are the two words that completely shook my whole world. I stood there in front of her, frozen. Not knowing what to do. All I know is that Elisa's pregnant and that I'm the father of her baby... And to think that we're both only twenty years old! For god's sake!

And my singing career... My dream will be ruined by one baby. ONE BABY.

"No." I said.

"Yes." She said.

"No... Look Elisa, if you ever think that I'll take the responsibility for that baby, you're wrong. I mean, just look at us! We're both twenty years of age and obviously, we're still young!"

"Are you walking out on me and on our baby?!"

"Elisa, I didn't want to be a father at the age of twenty! And... I'm not yet ready to give up my singing career!"

"Oh yes! Your singing career that never seemed to go on! Fine! But remember this Mr. William Anthony Singe, you are still the father of this baby inside of me whether you like it or not."

"I'm giving up my rights to that child Elisa!"

"You know what? You are a heartless jerk! How could you?! This baby is your own flesh and blood!"

"No it's not Elisa and it'll never be one of my own!!! You know, I think we should just end this right here right now."


"Goodbye Elisa."

Then I turned around and left her there all alone. I wouldn't let one baby ruin my career. NO. NOTHING CAN STAND IN MY WAY.

1. Five Men and a Baby (William)Where stories live. Discover now