Chapter Eleven

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Please read my message at the end. It's IMPORTANT!!!



Twenty minutes after driving from the airport, I noticed that we were already at the beach. When he had already parked the car, he went off first to open the door for me and I got off angrily.

"Seriously Will!? Of all the places that you could've brought me to, the beach is the place that you have chosen to!?" I spat at him. I could feel my face grow hot and my ears are pumping.

This was the place where it all started....

"Why are you so angry? I just brought you here to the beach to let you have a good time from your long flight!" He said and I just rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "Is that how you show your appreciation, huh?! By yelling and walking away from that person?! You should be thankful that I was doing you a favour! How ungrateful of you!"

I turned around with tears streaming down on my face, "Tell me, should I be thankful that you brought me to the place where the living hell in my life started?!" I shouted and he was speechless. "Will, you don't know anything about me so you DON'T have the right to accuse me of being ungrateful!" Then I ran away from him, with nowhere to go. All I knew was that I have to get away from him somehow.


After that heated fight with Alyana, she ran off and I followed her but then I lost sight of her in the middle of the chase. I gave up and facepalmed myself... I shouldn't have brought her here!

But on the other hand, I didn't know that she doesn't like beaches so it wasn't really my fault.

But when she turned around and found her crying, it just tore my heart... Oh what have you done William!? I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and tried calling her but she's not answering any of my calls. On my fifth call, I finally gave up and started searching for her in this massive beach, full of people.

Seems like my chances of finding her are weak.


I sobbed as I sat on a vacant bench, away from the massive crowd. Away from Will. I looked into the blue sea as seagulls flew around above it. I sighed and realized that it's not really Will's fault that he brought me here. He doesn't know anything about my past...

But I still feel bad at him calling me ungrateful.

If it wasn't for that past... My life wouldn't be like this...

++ Flashback (4 years ago) ++

"Via! Via! Don't go there! Mom and dad are gonna get mad at you!" I shouted while carrying her doll in my hands as I watched her stepped onto the unstable rocks. "Via!"

"Calm down Alyana! Let me just get this beautiful rock, okay?" Olivia (Via) said as she got the black shiny rock on the end of the place that she's standing on. She picked it up and showed it to me while smiling, "Look! Isn't it beautiful!?" she said.

"Yes it is. Now, come here and we'll go back to the cottage." I ordered her but she ignored me and instead, stuck her tongue out at me when suddenly a strong wave hit the rock that she's standing on and as it crumbled, her happy expression on her face transformed into a scared and worried expression as her body hit the cold water. "OLIVIA!!!"

"Help me! Alyana! Help me!!!" She pleaded and then I reached out my hand to her and pulled her back up to the stable land. "Olivia!" Then I hugged her tight because I thought I was gonna lose her at that moment. We went back to the cottage and our parents saw her dripping wet.

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