Chapter Twelve

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I was snapped out of my trance when I heard Will's voice while he clicked his fingers in front of me. "You alright?" He asked.

Then the guy on the couch chuckled, "She's probably stunned by your body." He said and then I threw him a death glare. He was Will's closest bandmate... I think Jayden's his name.

"Shut up Jayden." Will said to him and then he looked back at me. "Sorry about that."

"Yeah. Me too. Sorry." Jayden said as he stood up and then he looked at Amber who just stood there like an idiot then he looked back at me. "Uh... Alyana, right?" And I nodded.

"Alyana, what happened to her?" He asked.

I looked at Amber and she was just staring at Will then I turned back to Will, "Will, I think you need to dress up." I said and then he immediately ran into his room.


The doorbell rang at our apartment and since I was the only one out in the living room, I went to get the gate open and when I opened it, I saw two girls standing in front of me.

"I'm looking for Will." The girl with a long black hair, icy blue eyes and pinkish complexion said.

"Oh. He's inside. Are you his friend?" I asked and she raised her left eyebrow and crossed her arms, giving me a 'What-do-you-think?' look. Just then, I remembered her. She was the girl that Will brought here a while ago... I didn't know that she's kind of a bitch. I think Alyana her name is.

"Uh... Come in." I said, leaving the gate open for the two of them and we all came into the house.

"Will, someone's looking for you!"I called out as I sat down on the couch and then he came out from the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist and the two girls just stared at him.

"Alyana?" Will said while waving his hand in front of her and she just stood there, frozen like the girl beside her. "Alyana!" And then she twitched, a sign that she's already back to reality. "You alright?" He asked.

I chuckled, "She's probably stunned by your body." I said and then Alyana gave me a death glare and so did Will. "Shut up Jayden." He said then he turned to her again. "Sorry about that."

"Yeah, me too. Sorry." I said as I stood up then I looked at her friend who's still in shock, I think and then turned to her again. "Uh... Alyana right?" And she nodded.

"Alyana, what happened to her?" I asked.

She looked at her and then back to Will and said, "Will, I think you need to dress up." Will realized that he was still in his towel and so he immediately ran into his room to dress up. I shifted myself to Alyana, "I'm really sorry about teasing you in front of him." I said.

She smiled then she turned to her friend who is now looking at me.

"AMBER! GET YOURSELF UP TOGETHER! JEEZ!" She said as she whacked her head and the girl named Amber snapped out of her trance as she rubbed the back of her head. "You're so violent Alyana!" She pouted. "You can't blame me for falling into a state of shock after kidnapping me from my home!"

"She kidnapped you?" I asked.

"Yes." Amber replied to me.

"No, I did not!" Alyana said.

"Oh well... It's okay Alyana. I forgive you, as long as the final destination's here at The Collective's house." Amber said as she shrugged her shoulders. "It's okay if you kidnap me everyday as long as you bring me here." Alyana just facepalmed herself.

"Jaydo, what do you want for dinner?" Trent asked as he went towards me then a few seconds later, he saw Alyana and Amber and his face thrived pale when his eyes turned to Amber.



"YOU!?" Amber and the tall guy with muscular built, brown hair, brown eyes, thin lips and cute... **cough cough** dimples both said to each other.

Just then, Will went out of his room wearing his house clothes. FINALLY!

"You two both know each other?" I asked, turning my attention back to both of them.

Suddenly, Will laughed. "Oh! I knew it! Trent, she's the girl that you've kissed ages ago back in Perth, isn't she?" He said and the guy named Trent just stood there.

"I thought I was just drunk that night because I thought you were Trent Bell but then---! Oh my God!" Amber screamed. "IT IS REALLY YOU!"

Then I finally put the pieces together and remembered the night that I saw her kissing some guy at the dance floor and the lighting in the bar at that time was dimmed so that's why I couldn't make it out who the guy was.

"Awkward." I said.

Just then we heard a cry from Will's room. "John needs me." He said and then he started to walk back into his room. "Uh... I forgot something in my room." Jayden said then he disappeared also into his room. I sighed, "I think Will needs my help." I said then I went into Will's room and when I was inside his room, I let out a sigh of relief.

"That was so awkward." I said.

Will chuckled, "I know. Good thing that my baby boy's a life saver!" He said and then he kissed him on his forehead while carrying him in his arms.

I smiled, knowing that he really loves his son even though his girlfriend left the baby at their doorstep.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just thought that your son is really lucky to have a father like you." I replied as I sat down on the foot of his bed.

"What do you mean?"


"Come on Alyana. You can tell me anything, we're friends now."

I just shook my head and looked down on the floor. "Fine. Don't tell me. I'm not the only one who would feel the pain anyway." He said and I just sighed, knowing that he's right. "So... What brings you here?"

I looked up, "I'm bored and I don't have anyone with me at home at the moment so I decided to drop by with my friend. She's a fan of you guys." I answered.

"And your parents?"

"They're still out with my sister."

"Do your parents know about you coming back here in Sydney?"

"Yeah but I guess I came at the wrong day."

"Hey, wanna go out tomorrow?" He suddenly asked, changing the topic to lighten up the mood. "Well, depends." I said.


"Yeah... If I'm gonna have a bad day tomorrow then I will go out with you tomorrow."

He smirked at me, "You're really full of surprises." He said.

"And bitchiness." I added and he laughed.

"Wanna check those two out there?"

I nodded and we both went out of the room only to find Trent and Amber having a heated make-out session on the couch and we could hear their intense breaths and moans.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Both Will and I said in surprise as the two lovebirds broke apart from each other while gasping for their breaths.


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