Chapter Twenty-Five

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•• DEDICATED TO: AprilMcdonald ••




It's been weeks since Will and I had a misunderstanding. I hate the feeling that I wanna call him and apologize but I'm afraid that he might not pick up and just let my call go through his voicemail so I didn't bother to call him nor check on him on Facebook and Twitter. John already woke up a few weeks ago as what Amber had told me and relief washed over me when I heard the news.

But yes, I'm still miserable. More miserable than I could have ever imagined... I never thought that I would be so desolated like this. I never thought that I would be experiencing this pain and loneliness--- And to think that it's Christmas!

My phone beeped and my heart leapt in joy when I saw Will's name came up on my screen. I opened his message and it said:

"I'm picking you up in 10 mins, whether you like it or not."

Really? Just like that? No apology? No lines like 'I miss you'? Ha! Some kind of a boyfriend he is! So even though I'm a bit annoyed and disappointed by his message, I tried to look on the bright side. At least, he texted me. I started to get ready and when I was finished, I went downstairs to wait for Will... It's all I could do for now.

If you are all wondering where my parents are,well... They are out on a business trip with Olivia. I decided to stay here and honestly, I don't know why I did. Maybe, I was just hoping for Will and I to sort things out. I heard a knock on my door and when I opened it, I saw Trent, Zach, Julian and Jayden out there.

"We're really sorry Alyana." Zach said.

"Oh... You mean about the misunderstanding between Will and I?" I said. "Don't worry; It's not your fault. And besides, it's not like we broke up, aye?" He smiled sheepishly and suddenly they all came forward, acting to attack me.

"Wait... What are you guys up to?" I said as I stepped back from them.

"Sorry Alyana. We're just following an order from Mr. Swaggles." Julian said and then he put a black sack on my head. Then I felt someone carried me. "Wait!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! JAYDEN?! JULIAN?! ZACH!? TRENT!? OI! PUT ME DOWN!!!"

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Trent said impatiently.

"Trent, I swear... If you don't fuckin' put me down, I'm gonna literally kill you even if you're my bestfriend's boyfriend!!!" I said while trying to get myself off of those big arms of his... Okay... Okay. You all now get that Trent has massive arms but seriously?! Does he live in a gym?!

"Wait... Who the fuck is this Mr. Swaggles?! I'm gonna kill him when I see him!" I said when we all got inside a car (I think). They removed the sack off my head. "Seriously?! I can't believe that you guys are doing this to me right now! And... And..." I got the black sack beside me, "And you all even bothered to put this goddamned thing on my head when I have even seen your faces?! You guys are all stupid kidnappers! STUPID!!!"

"Hey! Stop insulting us! You know that being a kidnapper is not really our nature!" Julian defended.

I rolled my eyes and slumped back on the seat of car... Oh well, what else can I do? We're already half a mile from my house so I guess I'd just have to let them take me to God knows where.


Trent opened the door and I went off and so did the other boys. I looked around, only to notice that we were at the beach. Suddenly, Julian started to sing:

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