Epilogue- New Beginning

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"John! Hurry up! Your uncles are waiting outside!" Will called out from the kitchen.

"Yup! Hold on! I'll be right there dad!" John said as he rushed out of his room, his necktie untied and just hanging around his neck, his school bag hanging on his shoulder.

"That's why I told you not to stay up late when you know that you have school tomorrow!" Alyana said as she walked to him and tied put on his necktie.

"Mom... It's Friday today, can I stay up late?" He said.

"I'll think about it." Alyana said as she smiled at him genuinely and her wedding ring shone in the broad daylight. "Will, is John's lunch good to go?"

"Yeah." Will said as he came out from the kitchen while holding John's lunch bag and Alyana smiled at him cleverly. "You're not the only one who can cook here, you know!" Then the three of them laughed.

"Hey John! Are you ready?" Jayden asked as he came in to Will's house. Will had bought a new house for his family using his savings from his bank account.

"Yes Uncle Jayden!" John replied cheerfully.

"Hey, if anyone bullies you, just bash the crap out of that bully, okay?" Julian said, half-joking then Will whacked his head, "Don't try to teach the kid some bad stuff!" He said.

"Are we good to go?" Trent asked them and they all said yes and went out of the house and made their way to their black van.

"How's Trent?" Alyana whispered to Will.

"I think he's trying to recuperate from his break-up with Amber." Will said. "How about you? Have you forgiven him yet for breaking up with Amber?"

"Well, I do. It's been a long time since that happened and so... Yeah. We've settled things between us anyway so it's all cleared." She replied.

"I can't see why we still use one car and go there together... Why can't we just go there separately?" John asked.

"Well, it's because your uncles and I treat each other as brothers and we stick by each other. We may not be related to each other by blood but time, trust and faith has already strengthen our relationship with each other and that makes us brothers already because John, it's not only the people who are related to you by blood are the ones who you can call as your family. It's also the people around you who really care about you the most."


In the studio, after the first half of their rehearsal, they decided to take a break. Jayden, Zach and Julian started to play board games while Trent and Will sat on the couch, drinking their coffee.

"Are you okay Trent?" Will asked him.

"Yeah... Why wouldn't I be okay?" Trent said.

"Well... You know, your break-up with Amber..."

"Will, I'm trying my best to move on. I'll be fine eventually. Don't worry."

"We're really concerned about you."

Trent smiled, "Aw... Thanks Will but you have nothing to be concerned about." He replied. "But... Do you think that there's still a chance that we might get back together?"

"Well... I don't know. But if I were you, I would not worry too much about it. Trent, it's not yet the end. There are still more to come for you in your life." Will replied. "Have you talked to her yet?"

"Yeah but not that much. I guess she just feels as awkward as me." He said.

"Anyway, just try not to worry too much about it for now. It wouldn't hurt to get a break from a break-up, would it?"



"I'm proud of you."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because you have raised such a good kid."

Will laughed, "Well, I wouldn't have done it without you guys so... Thank you." He said and they both smiled at each other. "Thanks bro." Then he shifted towards Trent and hugged him tight.

"Aw... The 'Trilliam' bromance, aye!" Zach said.

"Bitch! How can you do this to me? You betrayed me!" Jayden said, acting like a little bit hurt.

"And Trent! What about me?" Julian said. "You ditched me for Amber and now this?! C'mon dude! Give us some lovin'!" Then they all laughed and formed a group hug.


"It's not only the people who are related to you by blood are the ones who you can call as your family. It's also the people around you who really care about you the most."


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