Chapter Twenty-Four

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Will, I am doing what's best for John!" Aya said. Oh my God... I can't believe that we're fighting with each other right now!

"You know what? If you want what's best for John then you'd let me do the decision whether to tell Elisa or not about his condition! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL OF THE THINGS?! I WISH YOU WOULD JUST FUCK OFF FROM MY LIFE!!!" I yelled straight across her face and she stood there, hot tears coming out from her eyes. I felt my tensed face softened when I realized that what I just did was wrong. WAY WRONG. "Aya, I... I'm---." I tried to apologize but she cut me off. "You're right Will... Maybe I should just fuck off from your life." She said then walked off.

I wanted to chase her but something inside of me was telling me not to and I ended up following that stupid voice in my head. Angry at my very own self for yelling at her and telling her to fuck off from my life, I punched the wall behind me. Damn it! Why?! Why can't I be so nice when the topic turns to Elisa and her rights to John?!

"Will..." I heard a familiar voice behind me and I knew who it was...It's Elisa. I turned around with a pissed look on my face. "What?" I asked, trying to sound more menacing. "How dare you to show your fuckin' face up here after leaving John at my doorstep like some kind of an unwanted freakin' doll?!" And the other people started to stare at us but I don't care... I need to let out this anger that's been inside of me ever since.

"Will, I did it for the sake of our son!" Elisa cried.

"Yeah?! By what?! By leaving him out on someone's doorstep just because you don't want him?!" I yelled back.

"Now look who's talking! You are the one who never wanted John in the first place anyway! That's the reason you broke up with me, right?! Because you are too afraid to take such a big responsibility and now I'm just giving it all back to you William!"

"So it is true that you left him at my doorstep because you don't want him!? Oh now I get it! Oh wow... I thought I'm the only heartless one in this story!"

"William, you don't understand why I did that!"

"Then make me Elisa! I'm fuckin' confused and torn apart!!! Don't you know how it fuckin' hurts me to know that John is growing up without a mother?! So please! Make me understand your situation why you did that!"

Tears keep coming out from her eyes and then she wiped them away hastily,"I AM DYING FROM AN OVARIAN CANCER, WILLIAM!!!" She burst out. "I've only got this year to live! This fuckin' year!!! I left John to you because I knew that you would be able to take care of him! It tears me down also knowing that my son is growing up without me by his side, you know!"

I stood there in shock. I can't believe that she's going through all of these and to think that she's such a nice person... She just doesn't deserve to go through all of these! I was the one who broke her heart, the one who walked out on her when she was still carrying John in her womb, the one who did all of these wrong things to her and yet she's suffering when instead it should be me!!!

"I... I'm sorry." I managed to say.

"I think someone deserves your apology better than me." She said and then she pulled the kid with her away. And I knew who she meant. ALYANA.


I ran past my sister who was dancing and singing along to a song and went straight to my room and there, I poured my heart out. Why? Why does he have to be so mean? I was just trying to help.

Suddenly, my door opened and saw Olivia standing there. "Alyana, are you crying?" she asked. My face even grew hot with her stupidity.

"No Olivia. It's just my sweat! Trust me, it's just my sweat!" I shot back sarcastically and turned away and went back from crying. Just then I felt her thin arms wrapped around me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Will..." I said.

She pulled away and looked at me in shock, "Oh hell no! What did that guy do to you?! Alyana, I'm not letting him get away with this. I'm gonna tell mom and dad!" She stated.

"Olivia, if you do that, I swear I'm gonna literally drown you the next time we go to the beach." I said, giving her a death glare beyond my red puffy eyes. She put her hands up in the air as if she was surrendering and then her face became sullen again as she looked at me.

"What did he do?" she asked again, more calm this time around. And so I told her what happened and I can't help but to break down in tears again. Gosh... I've never cried like this before! Not even because of a guy!

"Well, I can really see that you were trying to help but you could've at least told him that you were gonna tell Elisa." Olivia said.

"What can I do? I already saw her and... I was afraid that I might not be able to see her again so I took the chance to tell her." I defended.

"I know... I know. BUT, you should've just let him tell her."

"Olivia, he obviously doesn't wanna tell her!"

"Have you ever asked him why?"

And I fell silent. I didn't really ask him why. "Well, I didn't but he told me that she has no right with John anymore ever since she left him at his doorstep." I said. "Which is I think his reason is..."

"You think? So that means you're not sure." She said and I bit my lip. "On the other hand, Will is wrong too. I mean, who yells at his girlfriend, telling her to fuck off from his life?! Seriously?"

We both chuckled, "You and him should talk to sort this out." She said as she wiped my tears away.

"Thank you Olivia." I said.

"No worries, sweetie." She replied then we hugged each other. I thankful, at least, that she remained a sister to me despite of what happened between us five yeas ago...

I'm thankful for having her as a sister.

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