Chapter Four

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We went home by 11 p.m. and we're hungry. John is still fast asleep in my arms. Sigh, I really need to buy him a pram.

"Jaydog, do we have any rehearsal tomorrow?" I asked.

"Uh... You mean for our singing?" He said as he rummaged through the fridge. "Uh... No but we have a dance rehearsal and we have to film for CollecTV. Why?"

"I was planning to take the day off so that I could buy John's needs. His mother didn't really left that much of his essentials." I said. "His milk's running out too." I sighed and he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I just find you weird now, that's all. I mean, normally, a William Singe wouldn't worry about a baby right now. He would worry about himself, his band mates, the whole group, the rehearsals, tours and CollecTV." He replied.

"I guess babies can really change who you are." Trent said.

"Will, we're really keen to find out who's his mother! Who is she?" Zach asked.

"Yeah. Tell us. We're your band mates after all." Julian said.

"Okay, I'll tell you guys now just to calm your tits down." I said. "Okay, John's mother is Elisa, my ex-girlfriend. I broke up with her ages ago when I found out that she's pregnant with our baby. That was before the XFactor thing."

"The baby's yours, isn't it?" Julian asked.

"Yeah but I was scared to take my responsibility for the baby at that time. Like for god's sake, I'm only 20! And besides, I want to achieve my dream of becoming a famous singer..." I said.

Then I heard baby John letting out a little cry so I patted his back lightly. I carefully placed him in his basket and put his comfy, warm blanket on him.

"You're really starting to get the hang of it, aye?" Trent said as he sat beside me on the couch.

"Well, I need to face the fact that I'm no longer that William Singe, who's out there, just worrying about himself." I said. He smiled and looked at the baby, "The shape of his face reminds me of you." He said. Then I looked at John and Trent was right, he's got the shape of my face... But not only that, he also got my lips and forehead. I can tell now that he's really my son.

Then we both saw him yawn and we both laughed because it was really cute.


"Phew! What a workout!" Jayden said when we all got out of the dance studio, sweating.

"Hey, can you guys watch over John? I'll just take a shower." I said to them.

"Okay." They all mumbled and nodded as I gave them John, who was in his basket, biting his blanket. I smiled and then waved at him, "Bye John! Daddy will be back soon." he said and then John's innocent face turned into sad when he noticed me leaving and then he started to cry. Crap. Now how can I take my shower time?

"Oh come here little guy..." Trent said as he carried him in his arms and he cried even more.

"Daddy will be back. I promise." I said to John as I patted him lightly on his shoulder then I turned around and quickly headed to the bathroom and took a shower. When I was finished, I dressed up in my blue singlet and black skinny jeans. I went back to where I left the other guys with John and they're still there, playing with him.

"Will, what is wrong with him? He keeps biting my shirt!" Jayden said while carrying John in his arms. I laughed and then got the baby from him. Trent and Jayden then did some derp faces to make him laugh and he did but I noticed that his gums were a little bit swollen and I can see white bits forming.

"I think he's just about to have his first tooth." I said. They all looked at me. "Look." Then I showed to them his swollen gums and they now knew what I meant.

"Well, how do you know that?" Zach asked.

"Zach, babies go through to this stage, okay?" Jayden said. "Even us... When we're still babies."

"Are you guys gonna take a shower or what?" I asked them. Jayden walked off. Zach walked off and so did Julian to take their shower.

"Aren't you gonna go to take your shower?" I asked Trent.

"I just wanna talk to you first." He said.


"Will, are you really sure that you wanna take care of the baby?"

"Yeah... Even though it's kind of a hassle to my career, I still wanna take care of him. He's my son."

He nodded and smiled, "Just making sure that you're doing the right thing." he said. "But... What will you do if Elisa comes back to get the baby?"

"I won't give the baby back to her. I mean, I took care of John ever since she left him on our doorstep and he's not an object to be left somewhere when you don't want it then you'll come back because you want it again." I said and seriously, if that will happen, I would fight her in the court. I would fight for my rights to this child.

1. Five Men and a Baby (William)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin