Chapter Twenty-Two

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So after Will admitted to my family that he is my boyfriend, my parents fell silent and so did Olivia. "Care to say something?" I said, interrupting the awkward silence.

"Alyana, Will, we just wanna congratulate both of you for finding true love on each other. But, of course, as elders, we would still be keeping an eye on the two of you." Mom said. "We want to make sure that both of you are doing the right thing, okay?"

"So... Does that mean that you are not gonna stop me from dating Will?" I asked.

"Yes Alyana, we are not gonna stop you from dating him." Dad replied. "And Will, you are welcome to go here anytime."

"Thank you Mr. Hudson." Will said then his phone beeped and then he looked at me, "I need to go now." He smiled and then hugged me tight and kissed me softly on my lips.

"I have to go now Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. Bye! Bye Olivia!" He said then he turned to me, "Bye, Aya." And again, he hugged me then gave me one quick kiss before he went out of the door.

When he left, I turned to my parents and out of nowhere, I started to burst into tears. "What's wrong sweetie?" Dad asked me.

"Thank you Dad for supporting me on my relationship with Will..." I said. "And I'm sorry too for being rude to you and to mom and to Olivia as well... It's just that I thought that you guys didn't care about me anymore."

"That will never happen. We would always care about you and Olivia because we both love the two of you and you girls are our own flesh and blood." He said. "And I'm sorry too... For misjudging you. Olivia had told me what really happened a while ago and she was pretty sorry about it."

Then Olivia walked to me, "I'm sorry Alyana. The reason that I did that was because I was jealous of you. Because I thought that you always get everything you want... Oh gosh... I'm such a horrible person." She said and then I hugged her.

At last, my wishes finally came true... And that is for them to apologize to me and for our family to be back again in one piece.


Trent texted me a while ago back at Alyana's house that something bad had happened at home and that seriously just freaked my insides out so I decided to call Trent to know the full details.

++ PHONE CONVO (W-William, T-Trent, Ja-Jayden, Ju-Julian, Z-Zach)++

T: Hello?

W: Trent, what do you mean by that text a while ago?!

T: Okay... Calm down first.

W: How could I calm down when you texted that thing to me?! Where are you?

Ja: Will, we're here at the hospital.

The hospital?! What the fuck are they doing in there? And why the hell are they there!?

W: HOSPITAL?! Why the hell are you all there?! What happened?!

Ju: Will, John had experienced a difficulty in breathing.


Z: You heard us Will. Now get your ass over here because your son really needs you now!



I drove to the hospital and then when I went in, I quickly asked the receptionist where did they take my son.

"Surname please?" She asked.

"Singe." I said. "Is John Anthony Singe here?"

"Yes he is. He's currently in the emergency room right now and that's straight up then turn left."

"Thank you."

"No worries."

I ran straight up and then I turned left and found the emergency room and saw Jayden, Zach, Julian, and Trent waiting outside. Amber and Katrina were there too. "Finally you came." Trent said.

"I'm going to inform Alyana about this." Amber said then she walked off to call her best friend.

"You said that you wanted to talk to me." I said to Trent and he pulled me away from the other guys.

"Will, you have a son now... You must start becoming responsible for your actions. Look at what happened today!" He said. I sighed as I looked on the floor. "As you have said before, you are no longer that William Singe who is out there, worrying about himself and the whole band. Will, you already have a son, always remember that." He added.

"I'm sorry." I said as I looked up at him and I can see that he's a bit disappointed at me. He nodded and then walked back to the other guys. He's right. I already have a son. I have to act more mature. I went back also to the other guys and saw that John was being transferred into his own room. The doctor told us that they had run a few tests over John and according to the results, he has an Asthma and if not treated soon, it can lead to his death. The doctor left and I collapsed on the bench behind me as I cried my heart out. My son... He's experiencing an illness despite of an early age.

I went to John's room and saw him lying there with cords attached to him. I sat on the chair nearby his bed and lightly held his hand. "John, it's me, Daddy. I'm so sorry because I wasn't there when you needed me the most... I'm so sorry, my son. I promise, I'll never ever leave your side once again." I said to him as I kissed his hand and hot tears poured out again from my eyes. Just then, I felt a hand over my shoulder and when I turned around, I saw Alyana.

"Amber told me what happened." She said. I said nothing and stood up and hugged her tight... Oh God... Please. Don't let me lose one important person in my life. Don't let me lose my son.

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