Chapter Eight

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"Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!" The boys laugh filled the room. They were happy while I was sulking in the corner.

"Dude, she gave you the number of a psychology centre!" Zach said, cracking up again in laughter.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" They laughed even more.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! She gave me the number of a psychology centre!" I said and they laughed even more.

Jeez... Some kind of friends they are!

"Could you guys please stop laughing?" I said, annoyed. "It's not funny, you know!"

"It IS funny." Trent said and I just rolled my eyes and buried my face into the palm of my hands. I think this would go for the rest of the day.

Or maybe until the day that we go back to Sydney again.


I applied the last bit of my makeup when my phone rang and it was Amber again. I answered my phone and put it the loudspeaker mode so that I can still talk to her while I'm doing my makeup.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I'll take that as a 'Hello' but anyway... Are you ready?" Amber asked excitedly.

"Almost." I said as I put my mascara on.

"Hurry up! I wanna catch good-looking guys tonight." She said.

"Jesus Amber! Aren't you tired of hooking up with guys from Aviary?!"

"Well... Let's just say that I'm ready to fall in love again."

"Amber, falling in love with a guy isn't the same as hooking up with a guy."

Yes. Hooking up and falling in love are totally different and that's what guys did to me before. They asked for my number, took me out on a few dates then the next day, they found another girl again... And that's why I didn't give my name and my number to that guy named, Will Singe. I don't trust him. I don't trust guys in general. Guys will only hurt you, trust me. And I don't care if he's in some kind of a boyband, I still don't trust guys like him.

"I'll pick you up in five minutes." She said.

"Okay." I replied then I hung up.

Five minutes later, she already came with her glossy red BMW. She opened her window, "Hop in." She said. I did what she told me... Well, at least I get to save up money for fuel. Along the way, she just chatted about that gay boyband and their journey in the XFactor and I heard that when Will auditioned for the first time, he only made it to the bootcamp and then last year, he already made it through by being put into a boyband with other four boys named Trent, Zach, Julian and Jayden and that's how their group was created.

I really don't want to listen to her but she's the one driving the car and I'm bored so I was half listening to her. A few minutes later, we already reached the city and found a parking space in front of Aviary.

We went in and Amber started off the night by dancing with random people at the dance floor while I went to the bar and ordered for myself a mixed vodka when some random guy sat beside me.

"Hey." He said and I looked at him from head to foot... Well, he looks like a human but still, not my type. I didn't say a word and turned my attention back to the waiter who was currently making my drink.

"Um... Can I offer you something?" He said again.

"Well, I would be glad if you fuck off." I said and then I smirked at him.

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