Chapter Twenty

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William chuckled as he carried John in his arms. "Kids can be like clowns sometimes." He said and I can sense the uneasiness in his voice which I understand because why the hell would his son call me 'Mommy'? When I am not even the real mother of his son? The others just stared at Will and then Jayden clapped his hands and said, "So... Anyone up for a movie marathon?"

We all agreed as we took our spots in the living room while Jayden got the movie ready. Zach went out from the kitchen, tossing a bag of lollies and chips on the floor which Will and Julian fought over for.

"Hey Jaydo, why don't you invite Taylah over?" Julian asked and then he fell silent. "Jaydo? Are you alright?" Trent asked. He turned to us with a smile on his face, "Yeah. Taylah's got work so I can't really invite her today." He replied. Will and I both looked at each other and his left eyebrow raised and so did mine.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Will whispered to me.

"Yeah. Seems like he and Taylah have some lovers's quarrel." I whispered back. I've never met Taylah and all I know is that she's Jayden's girlfriend.


"So I think you better talk to him."

"What? Why me?"

"Will, you're a guy. He'll open up to you rather than me."

"You're such a bitch."

"Will, I'm a girl so it's natural for me to be a bitch while clicking my fingers up in the air in a swerve motion."

He chuckled,"I don't even know how and why did I ever fall in love with you." He said.

I let out a silly laugh, "Neither did I." I said and he pouted and I raised my eyebrow at him. "You're really pushing me to my limits, huh?"

"Oh you love me when I pout anyway so..." He said and then he leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss. "I love you." He whispered and for some reason, my cheeks grew beetroot red when he said that. He soothed my hair and pulled me closer to him while we're sitting on the couch while John was in his arms. His arms remained encircled around my waist and whenever he would look back at me, my heart would just go crazy. God... Am I really in love with him this much?

"I wub you mummy.... (I love you mommy)" John blurted out to me while smiling cutely and both Will and I were surprised again for the second time. "Why does he keep on saying that?" I asked Will. "Why does he think that I'm his mom?"

"Probably because you're always here and that he thinks that you're my wife because of the way I hold you close to me." He replied easily. I smiled and he tightened his hug on me and so did I and we both embraced John.


"Aw... Look at them. Aren't they just perfect?" I said while watching Will, Alyana and John from the other couch.

"Yeah, they're perfect. Like us." Trent suddenly said and my face grew red. I slowly looked at him and he was staring at me with those panty-dropping brown eyes. "Why are you doing this to me, Trent?" I told him.

"Do what?" He asked with a confused expression on his face and seriously, he looked even hotter.

"That... You always stare at me like that like I was some kind of a precious gem." I replied.

"Because you are like a precious gem for me." He replied gently with such a genuine smile. Oh gosh.... I think I'm dying now. Then he clasped my hands on his and when he looked back at me, he smiled again. Okay, now, I can officially feel like my ovaries are gonna explode. I looked away and then he chuckled, "Why did you look away?" he asked.

"Because I don't want my panty to drop and my ovaries to explode because of your overloading hotness?" I replied unsurely. And he laughed even more then he encircled his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him and eventually I just embraced him, enjoying the warmth of his body.


The movie started and we all started to eat the lollies and chips that Zach had brought into the living room. Halfway through, John was fast asleep into my arms and Alyana noticed it too. "I'll put him in his cot upstairs." She whispered and I nodded so I gave John to her carefully. When she cradled him in her arms, I couldn't help myself but to smile and think that she'd make a good mother to John.

She went upstairs and I followed her as well. I watched her as she placed him safely in his baby cot. "Sleep tight John." I heard her whisper to him and then she kissed his forehead. Suddenly, I heard her sniffle and said, "You know, even though you're not my real son, you completed me. You made my dream come true and that is to have that kind of family that I ever dreamed of." And I knew why she said that. It's because she thinks that her family doesn't care about her but if you'll ask me, I still believe that her family cares for her, no matter what. They might not just show it but I knew that deep inside that they care about her. I walked towards her and hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. To be honest, I would really do anything to make her feel special and loved despite of her bitchy attitude.

"Wanna go out somewhere?" I asked her.

"Alright but what about the others?" she asked when she looked at me, her cheeks stained with tears.

"Stuff them. I just wanna spend my day with you, okay?" I replied as I wiped her tears away and kissed her with every ounce of passion that I have in my heart.

After we kissed, we went downstairs and told them that Alyana and I would be gone for a while and that I expect them to watch over John upstairs. We went out and just went to some random mall and watched a movie and then we went again to a coffee shop like we did the first time before and that was when she accidentally confessed her feelings for me. I smiled at thought. When we already got our orders, we started consuming them while having a casual chat. Just then, my heart dropped when I saw the person that I least expected to see.

Yes. I saw Elisa and she was looking back at me and suddenly, the feelings of love and familiarity rushed back into me. Those blue eyes that John got from her and her long blond hair just reminded me of the times that we were together. She didn't say a word and just walked past me and Alyana. I stood up, "Elisa!" I called out and she stopped and turned around while smiling at me. "Will..." She said. I looked at her and she was wearing a blue fitted dress and silver doll shoes while carrying a purse and an envelope. She looked thinner and paler though but she still stood out to me in the crowd. Could it be that I'm still in love with her?


I told myself that I would not update today because I'm gonna be busy for the rest of the day but because I love you all so much, here you go!

I hope you all enjoyed this one. Also, we have pupil free day on Monday which means we don't have any classes during that day and I would be staying all day at home. Hopefully I could upload tons of chapters for you guys!

Ugh... School photos again like last year, after we come back from that one-day off. I hate taking my school photos.


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