Chapter Twenty-Three

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Introducing a new character in this fanfic:

••Drum roll••





After Amber called and told me about what happened to John, I immediately drove to the hospital where he was confined and when I went to his room, my heart fell apart when I saw Will crying over to his side and I even felt more shattered when I saw that there were cords that were connected to John.

"John, it's me, Daddy. I'm so sorry because I wasn't there when you needed me the most... I'm so sorry, my son. I promise, I'll never leave your side once again." I heard Will said to John. And you know what? I felt horrible because he could've been there for him when his asthma attacked instead of being with me, out on a date. I walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned around and I told him that Amber told me what happened. Just then he hugged me tight and I hugged him back.

"It's gonna be okay." I said as I rubbed his back. "We both know that John's a strong boy like you." Then we both pulled away from each other and he gazed down on the floor. I lifted his chin up, "Will, trust me. He will pull through." And he gave me a weak smile but at least I made him smile. We went out of John's room.

"Does Elisa know about this?" I asked him and he shook his head no. "Will, you have to tell her! She's his mother!"

"Aya, she gave up her rights to John ever since she left him at our doorstep, therefore, she doesn't have any right to him anymore!" He snapped back at me.

"Will, even if you flip the whole Earth the other way around, Elisa is still his mother and she has the right to know what happened to him!"

"She's just his mother but she's not the one who worked hard and raised John up!"

"Guys, stop yelling. You are both disturbing the other patients here." Zach told us off. "What's happening here, anyway? Why are you guys yelling?"

"Nothing." I said but he doesn't seem pretty convinced with my answer. I ignored him and rolled my eyes. "I'd better go now." Then I left immediately. Jeez... If he doesn't wanna inform her, then I'll be the one to inform Elisa!

I went back to the coffee shop to plan how would I tell this to Elisa but seems like I've got no time to think about that because I saw her walked into the coffee shop with some kid. As soon as she had made her order, well, I know because she stepped to the area where you take your orders. I walked towards her.

"Hey Elisa." I greeted her.

"Oh... Hey... Alyana, right?" Elisa said and I nodded. "Can we talk?" I asked her.

"Oh, sure." She replied then she turned to the boy who I'm guessing was around fourteen years old. "Jai, can you watch out for our orders?"

"Sure Elisa." The kid named Jai replied. Elisa and I both walked away from the other people.

"Is that your son?" I asked her and she looked at me, a little bit startled. "Sorry. I wasn't supposed to ask that."

Elisa chuckled, "It's alright. You mean Jai? Nah... He's my sister's son. My sister just died recently and before she died, she passed Jai to me, asking me to take care of him. So... What do you wanna talk about?" she asked.

I took a deep breath, "Okay... I know that I'm way out of line to say this but I have to because you have the right to know this." I started off. "Elisa, John was rushed to the hospital a while ago because he experienced difficulty in breathing. The doctor diagnosed him with an asthma and if not treated very soon, it could be the cause of his death."

Her face became pale as I've expected. Well, who wouldn't? Like, if I was John's mother, I would have the same expression in my face. "Elisa, your son needs you now." I said and then I told her the hospital where John was confined. She thanked me and then we both agreed to go there. Jai already got their orders and then we all went out of the coffee shop and drove to the hospital.


"So you mean that this John kid is my cousin?" Jai asked Elisa.

"Yes Jai, now be nice to him when you see him." Elisa asked.

"Okay but he doesn't know you, right?" He said.

I turned the knob and I saw John still lying helplessly on his bed while Elisa started to cry as she walked towards him and kissed him on his forehead and held his hand tightly. "Oh my God... My baby." She cried softly. Just then, I sensed a weird feeling that someone was watching me from behind and when I turned around, I saw William standing behind me. He shook his head and walked off and I followed him in the hallway.

"Will! Will! William!!!" I called out after him while running after him but he didn't stop walking. Argh! Seriously! This guy is getting into my nerves! How dare he to make me run in my high heels!? I thought he's a gentleman?! "William Anthony Singe! Stop making me run after you in my red high heels!!!" I shouted and the other people started to stare at us and I looked at them and raised my left eyebrow at them, "What? Am I a freakish show to watch? Go back to your duties, NOW!" And they all went back to what they are doing and I continued to follow Will. "WILLIAM!"

He stopped walking and turned around. "Finally! You have decided to turn around!" I said sarcastically. He grabbed me by my wrist, "What do you think you're doing?!" He hissed at me.

"Will, let me go... You're hurting me!" I said.

He let me go with anger and disappointment in his eyes. "Alyana, what do you think you're doing?!" He asked angrily.

"Will, I am doing what's best for John!" I said.

"You know what? If you want what's best for John then you'd let me do the decision whether to tell Elisa or not about his condition! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL OF THE THINGS?! I WISH YOU WOULD JUST FUCK OFF FROM MY LIFE!!!" He yelled straight across my face and I stood there, hot tears coming out from my eyes. His face softened when he realized that what he just did was wrong. "Aya, I... I'm---." He tried to apologize but I cut him off. "You're right Will... Maybe I should just fuck off from your life." I said then I walked off.

Why? All I ever wanted to do was to help him and now, instead of thanking me, he's telling me to fuck off from his life!?

"Alyana, what's wrong?" Trent asked and both he and Amber were looking at me worriedly.

"Why don't you ask your 'oh-so-perfect' bandmate?" I said sarcastically as I wiped my tears away and stormed out of the hospital.

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