Chapter Three

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"What's taking Will so long?!" I asked grumpily. "Will?"

"Uh... Guys..." Will said as he came into the living room, with a bag on his shoulder and a basket and inside it was a baby. We all stood in front of him in shock. He placed the bag and the basket on the table and I pulled him with me away from Zach, Julian and Jayden to have a sort-of father and son talk.

"Well? Care to explain?" I said as I crossed my arms. "Whose baby is that?"

"It's mine and Elisa's baby." Will replied.

"Who's Elisa?"

"My ex-girlfriend. I broke up with her ages ago, before I joined the XFactor because she's pregnant."

"What?! Are you insane?!"

"Look, Trent, I'm only 20 and I'm not yet ready to be a father and besides I want to achieve my dream as a singer!"

I just looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "Elisa left the baby on our doorstep... She wants me to take care of it." He said.

"Have you given the kid a name yet?" I asked him as we both went back to the other guys and saw Julian carrying the baby in his arms. I got the baby from Julian and carried it in my arms and I can see that he likes Julian and I because he keeps on smiling on both of us.

"John..." I heard William say.

"What?" I asked.

"I'll call him John. John Anthony Singe." He said with a twinkle in his eyes as he got the baby from me. "From now on, you'll be John Anthony Singe, my one and only son." Then he smiled at the baby.


"Uwaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!" Baby John's cry woke up the whole house. They've been trying to get him to sleep last night that all of them fell asleep in the living room with him.

William opened his eyes and sat up and looked at John who was then in his cot, begging to be noticed. "What's wrong?" He asked as he carried him into his arms.

"Seriously Will, your baby is like an alarm clock." Zach said as he turned to his left and put the pillow on his face.

"Did someone die?" Jayden asked stupidly, half-asleep.

"You will die if you don't stop asking stupid questions." William said grumpily. "No! Of course not!" Jayden just smiled and collapsed back on the floor and fell asleep again.

He turned back to John, "Hey, what's wrong? Are you hungry?" He asked as he got his feeding bottle and put it near to his mouth but he pushed the bottle away. William sighed as he put the bottle down.

"What's wrong?" Trent asked.

"I don't know. He keeps on crying. I tried to feed him but he doesn't want to eat." William answered.

"Check his nappy." He said.

Suddenly, Zach's phone rang. William saw him checked it and then he sat up, "Rehearsal today." He said.

"What?" William asked.

"You heard me. Rehearsal. TODAY." Zach said then he nudged Julian. "Hey, wake up. We've got rehearsal." Julian opened his eyes and stood up and immediately went into his room. Jayden woke up too and went into his room to get ready.

"Jeez... Will he ever stop crying?" Zach said.

William sighed and laid John on the couch and changed his nappy. "Can I help when we wash him?" Jayden asked.

"Yeah, me too? Can I?" Julian asked.

"Count me in." Trent and Zach said.

He laughed, "Why are you all excited? It's not like we're going to a party." he said.

"C'mon Will! It's your baby. It's your little baby Singe! And we are all his uncles." Trent said as he looked at the other guys and they all nodded at him.

"Okay." He said with a thoughtful smile.

They all helped William in washing John and they also helped him in dressing him up. A few minutes later, they were all good to go. They hopped in the car and after 30 minutes, they reached the studio and as soon as they walked in, the workers in the building looked at them like they always do but this time, their attention wasn't really on all of them. It was on William and his baby.


As we walked in the building, I noticed that they were all looking at us, particularly at me and my baby.

"Good morning boys!" Mr. Crossbie, our manager (A/N: Okay, let's just say that the name of their manager is Mr. Crossbie) greeted us. Then his eyes shifted to the baby and me. "Will, you know that kids aren't allowed in the building."

"I know but..." I trailed off. I seriously don't want to let any other people know about my past.

"Anyways, shall we get started?" He said.

We all nodded. I placed John in his baby basket and then I put the baby basket that he's in on the couch nearby. I also placed his things beside him and kissed him on his forehead. "Will... In the recording studio. Now." Mr. Crossbie said. God, can't he wait?!

I nodded and went in the recording studio and our rehearsal started.

She's out there playing with your heart won't give it back... No...

You can't move on she comes she goes that gives you more hope...

She sees you tryin' just to get buying

And then she finally says no...

Then the music stopped. "Well done, William." Mr. Crossbie said. I smiled and took off the headphones then I went out of the studio and walked towards the other guys who were playing with baby John. Mr. Crossbie played the recorded file and we all listened to it and we must admit that we sounded pretty good. It wasn't long until I looked over to John who was fast asleep in Julian's arms.

I smiled and I held out my arms to Julian and he handed John carefully to me. And as I cradled him in my arms, I suddenly remembered Elisa. His eyes reminded me of her and it's killing me deep inside. I sighed at the thought and kissed John on his forehead.

"Aw, he kissed his baby on the forehead." Julian said.

"That's so cute, mate." Zach said.

"Definitely, it is." Jayden said while nodding.

"I was just wondering... Who's the mother of John?" Mr. Crossbie said. "Trent told me the kid's name, by the way."

"I would like to keep that to myself." I said firmly.

"Okay then. I respect your decision." He said and I gave him a grateful look. I looked again at John and he was still fast asleep. Sometimes I can't help but to worry about the time when he grows up... the time that he'll ask who his mother is.


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