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First of all, I would just like to thank the readers who supported this book! I wouldn't mention names because you know who you are! Thank you for taking the time to read, vote and comment for this book.

Second, hello to my new followers out there! Hope you all enjoy my stories here in Wattpad. Thanks for following!!!

Third, hello silent readers!!! I know you are just there, reading my stories but not commenting but don't worry, it's okay. I still love you guys.

Fourth, hello my noisy readers!!! Thank you for taking your time in commenting on this book! I appreciate much of your appraisals for every chapter that I made! So... Thank you! Thank you!

So there! We already finished the first book of Five Men and a Baby!!! Yay! **Pops champaign; confetti everywhere!** This book has received superb number of reads, votes and comments and I wanna thank you all for that! I wouldn't reach 1.1K in my total votes if it weren't for all of you guys so again THANK YOU!!! I HOPE YOU WOULD ENJOY THE SECOND EDITION OF THIS BOOK.



Nah. I'm joking.

Want a clue? Fine.


There you go!!! I hope you support the second edition of this book!

Much love,


1. Five Men and a Baby (William)Where stories live. Discover now