Chapter Two

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Weeks after that XFactor thing, we subsequently signed under Sony Records and released our first ever single called "Surrender". We also had done the XFactor tour with the other top 9 contestants and we really had fun. After that, we had tours for our boy band in different places.

And today is our day off so here we are, sitting lazily on the couch while watching AFL on television.

"Ding dong!!!" The doorbell went in our apartment. "Jayden, get the door." Trent said.

"Zach, get the door." Jayden said.

"Julian, get the door." Zach said.

"Why me? You're the one who's being asked. Not me." Julian said. I rolled my eyes and stood up, "Jeez guys! Lazy asses!" I grumbled and when I opened the door I saw something that I least expected to see.

It was a baby. A baby boy in his basket. And on him was a note. I picked up the note and it said:

"If you really love me, then you'll take care of this baby.



This baby is mine and Elisa's.

I looked outside but saw no trace of her. I guess she ran away already when she had pressed the doorbell on our apartment. I looked at the baby and beside him were his things. The baby was smiling at me and somehow, I melted deep inside.

I carried the baby into my arms and he gave out a cute little laugh. His eyes were so blue like Elisa's.

"Hey there little guy... I... I'm your dad." I said to him softly. "You still don't have a name, do you?" And I looked again at the note and saw nothing but the sentence that I've read a while ago. I put the bag on my shoulder which has his things in it and then I put him back on his basket and carried it with me into the house.

I think the boys would freak out once they see this baby.


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