Chapter Six

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I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket then went out of my room. The boys were still playing with John and I could hear his cute laugh and that made my heart melt even more.

Then Trent looked up and saw me then he turned to John and turned him around so that he was facing me as well, "Look, daddy's here already!!!" He said cheerfully. "Daddy's here..." Then he gave him a kissed on the back of his head as he gave him to me.

"What's with the 'Good Friday' face?" Zach asked.

I chuckled, "Nothing." I said.

"Are you sure?" Jayden asked and I just nodded as I continued to look at John, his eyes piercing through my feelings that I didn't even notice that tears started coming out from my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Trent asked.

"Nothing... I just miss Elisa, that's all." I said.

"She's John's mother, right?" Julian asked, confirming for the last time.

"Yeah." I said, wiping my tears away. I placed John back in his pram and then I sat on the couch as I watched Zach, Julian and Jayden play with him. "Tell me what happened." Trent said.

"Nothing happened." I said.

"Come on Will. We're band mates." He said and so I told him what happened, and tell you what. He just laughed at me like I have expected.

"I knew that you would laugh after that." I said in disappointment as I bowed my head down.

"I mean... Why should it break you? She's your ex-girlfriend already. You shouldn't care about her unless...." He trailed off while looking at me thoughtfully.

"Unless what?"

"Unless you still love her."

I was taken aback his remark. And suddenly, my heart throbbed for some reason. "Do you still love her?" He asked me.

Do I still love her? Am I still in love with her?

"You don't have to answer it right now, you know." He said. "But what I would suggest you to do right now is to concentrate on raising John."

I smiled at him because I knew that he's right. He has a point. I should be concentrating on raising him up instead of worrying about Elisa.


Months after I received that message from her, we released our new single called 'Another Life' and it was a hit during its first week. We also started doing our instore tours and we are now in the airplane that's heading to Perth because we have another instore tour there and then another one in Adelaide, which is the last one.

After hours of the plane ride, we now got off at the airport and like always, there are fans that are waiting for us to have a quick chat, take photos or sign their photos with them. It's not a big deal anyway, like, we've been experiencing it since we won third on the XFactor.

"So Will... We got the news from Twitter that you already have a son..." One of the fans said.

"Is it true?" Another one asked.

"Yeah." I replied quietly.

"Aw... Where is he? Can I see him?"

"Hey there guys!!!" Julian said and he was carrying John in his arms and then he handed him to me and I quickly turned to the fans, "Guys... This is John Anthony Singe, my son." I said.

"Aw.... He's so cute!!!"

"Oh wow.... He looks like you."

After a few more minutes, more fans gathered around John and I and I was actually surprised that my son didn't cry or pouted when the fans asked for a picture with the two of us and instead he smiled or just looked at us curiously.

1. Five Men and a Baby (William)Where stories live. Discover now