Chapter Seventeen

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"Five years ago, our family had an outing at a beach. You know, since it was summer vacation... We decided to hang out there." I started off. "Olivia and I were walking along the beach where the ruins are and just like normal siblings, we were walking hand in hand. I told her not to go to near that rock but she didn't listen to me and instead went onto that rock to pick up some stupid stone but tell you what... The stone's pretty."

"Yeah, like you." He said with a twinkle in his eyes and I shot him a look, "Will, I am serious here." I said.

"Me too. I'm serious also. Can't you tell?" He said casually and I just rolled my eyes and continued on with my story. "So after she picked up that stone, a wave hit the rock that she was standing on and it instantly crumbled and she fell into the water. Of course I saved her because she's my sister and I love her... But when we got back to our parents, she told mom and dad that I pushed her into the water. Mom and Dad didn't let me explain after they heard her lie and instead they whipped me up with a belt when we got back to the cottage."

Just then he leaned forward and wiped my cheeks that were stained with tears that I didn't even notice when I was narrating the story. "I... I don't really hate them." I choke in tears. "I just find it so unfair, you know! I was the one who tried to save her and yet, I'm still the bad one. I just want them to admit their mistake... I want them to apologize to me for what they did..." And then out of nowhere, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight.

"I don't really relate to your situation but I guess, the best thing that you can do is to talk to them. Tell them that you're still hurting from what they did to you a few years ago. Apologize to them too even if you didn't do anything wrong. Trust me, if you apologize then they will apologize to you too also." He said gently.

"Why are you here anyway? I though you have a rehearsal?" I asked.

"I just stop by to check on you." He replied and flashed a genuine smile.

"You don't need to do this." I said and pulled away from his tight hug.

"Yeah I know but I want to."

Then he leaned in and kissed me on my lips, "You still look beautiful even when you only got up from bed." He stated.

"Are you saying that because you want to earn some brownie points?" I replied and raised my left eyebrow at him. Seriously, I have no time for lies right now.

"No. I'm saying this because it's true." Then he cupped my face into his hands and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. "I gotta go now. See ya at our gig."

"I told you I'm not sure if I'm coming, right?" I said.

"How about you come to our gig and you have a prize from me or don't come to our gig and have a punishment from me?"

"Wow. You're a harsh boyfriend, Will. Punishment for your girlfriend?"

"Don't worry, the punishment is not that bad though."

What? Not so bad punishment? Sigh... Boring. But at the same time, I'm kinda curious about it. I chuckled, "I think I won't go." I said in a teasing tone.

"Oh so you really wanted to be punished, aye?" He said in a menacing tone while smiling sexily at me. Just then, I heard a knock on my door and we both looked at each other with a panic expression on our faces. "Gotta go!" He whispered to me then stole a kiss from me and got out of my room through my window. I quickly closed the window and then lied down on my bed and pretended that I was asleep. I heard the door opened and then closed again. The next thing I knew was that I felt a hand stroking my hair. I opened my eyes and saw Mom beside me, stroking my hair while tears were running down from her eyes.

"Mom?" I said and sat back up on my bed.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I'm so sorry for what I have done to you a few years ago." Then she pulled me into her arms and hugged me tight.


I went to the studio and saw that the other guys were already there. Julian was carrying John in his arms when I got there. "What took you so long?" Trent asked.

"I just visited Alyana." I replied.

"Oh..." He said and then turned his attention back onto his phone. "Will, do you ever see Alyana as John's new mother?" he asked.

"Well... Kind of. Why?" I said.


I sat beside him on the couch and smiled, "Why? Do you ever see Amber being with you in the future, taking care of your kids?" I asked and he laughed and nodded. "That's love."

"Are you sure? Because our story sounds more of like a hook-up, you know. I just don't want to fall for a girl who's not really serious about our relationship."

"Well, sometimes you have to take risks." I replied. "Come on! You even told me that when I confessed my feelings for Alyana to you."

"Anyway... Just a change of topic, what cover should we do for CollecTV this Thursday?" Zach interrupted us.

"I think we wouldn't be able to film any of it now because we have a rehearsal for our gig tomorrow." I replied.

"Are the girls coming?" Jayden asked.

And we all nodded at him. "Alright. I should then invite Taylah also so that the girls could mingle with each other while we're busy backstage." He said as he got his phone out. I went to Julian and got John from him and still, every time that I see this kid, he reminded me of his mother Elisa. We were so perfect together and that love story was just ruined... Ruined by me. But I wonder why she wants me to take care of John? I mean, she could've just asked her parents to take care of him for her but why me?! I understand the fact that I am his father and that I need to take care of him but it's just so unclear to me as to why me?

A few minutes later, we started the rehearsal and then after that, we went to our dance rehearsal and like before, we came out, sweating like pigs. After we had our shower, we already went home and quickly went into our rooms to change into our pyjamas and went to bed. I still have to stay up to put John into sleep because he wouldn't sleep.

Suddenly, Jayden came in, wearing his giraffe onesie and when John saw him, he smiled and laughed. "Jay-do..." John blurted out.

"Uh... Why is your son laughing at me?" Jayden asked.

"Apparently he thinks that you look like an idiot in your onesie." I replied.

"Ah shut up... You know that onesies suit me better than pj's." He shot back as he removed the hoodie off his head, presenting his scruffy brown hair. We both laughed. "It's past his bedtime. Why isn't he sleeping?"

"I don't know. But I'm trying to put him into sleep."

Then Trent came in also and sat on the floor, "Can't sleep." He said. A few seconds later, Zach and Julian came in too. "Um... I'm guessing that you guys can't sleep as well?" I said and they smiled.

"Daddy..." John said.

"What is it John?" I asked. Then he looked around then back to me again, "Mama..." He said. "Mama... Mama..." And he kept saying that until he was crying already. I carried him to make him stop from crying.

"He's looking for his mom." Julian said.

I looked at John and his eyes were filled with tears. He's really looking for his mom. "Mama..." He cried. I patted him on the back with a pained expression on my face. My son is looking for his real mother but she's not here... She was never here. And no matter what I do, Elisa wouldn't come back to me anymore because I was the one who ruined our relationship.

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