Chapter Thirty

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After Will told me that, we decided to go to the hospital but then I suggested that we should drive Amber home. Amber didn't agree, however. She insisted that she'll just take the cab home and that she'll be fine so we all let her do that. I was still concerned at her and she just gave me the 'look' as if too say 'Don't worry; i'll be fine' to me. Then we went to the hospital where Elisa was confined and we were welcomed by Jai, her nephew, outside her room.

"What happened?" I asked and Jai just shook her head.

"Elisa didn't make it." Jai said. "She died a few minutes ago before you all arrived here."

We all stood there in shock and I looked over to Will and he bowed his head in disappointment. "Will..." I said and then he walked off. I let go of my grip on the handle of John's pram and handed it to the boys and followed him. This is such a way to end the year, I thought. First, Trent and Amber. Now, Elisa, John's mother. Like, what the hell is going on?!

"Will!" I called out and he turned around while crying and I swear, it broke my heart. He said nothing and now, it's my turn to comfort him. I let him sit down on the floor and then I did too and hugged him as he poured his heart out to me. I couldn't stand seeing him like this...


••|| January 3, 2014 ||••

"Are you ready?" I asked Will as I watched him put on his black necktie. He was wearing a black tuxedo and had his hair neatly combed and he had this gloomy expression on his face.

"As I'll ever be." He replied. John walked into his room and hugged his leg. "Hello John." Then he crouched down to meet his eye level.

"We are going to see your mom." He said. "We have to say goodbye to her at least before she goes up in heaven with the angels." I couldn't help but to cry because I knew that this is both hard for John and Will. Then I saw a tear came out from his left eye but he wiped it immediately and then he stood up and held John's hand and mine and we all walked out of his room.

We went to the chapel where a ceremony for Elisa was held. Her friends, family and relatives were also there and like them, they are also mourning for Elisa's death. When we went in, we noticed a girl in her twenties talking at the front about her adventures and mishaps with Elisa when they still little kids. Elisa's nephew, Jai was at the front row, dressed in black polo with short sleeves and a pair of black pants and white shoes. His eyes were swollen from crying and he became a little bit thinner from the last time that I saw him. The speaker was finally done then Jai stood up and replaced the previous speaker.

We all sat at the second row at the back and waited for Jai to speak up.

"I'm Jai... I'm fourteen years old. I'm Elisa's nephew." Jai started off. "First of all, I would describe my auntie as the cheerful, energetic, positive-thinker, smart, beautiful, caring and loving person. She's the kind of person that would cry at nighttime then smile through the next day... Like, her cheerfulness and energeticness is just contagious that even though you're having a bad day and don't wanna smile, you'll still be able to smile because of her positive attitude." And the audience smiled and some of them even laughed a little bit. He took a deep breath and a weak smile formed on his lips. "When Elisa died, I knew that it wasn't fair because she doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to catch a life I threatening illness and die. She's a great person. When she took me in because of my mom's sudden death, I felt like I had a second mother. I was one of those lucky kids that still get enough love, attention and care despite of the fact that my parents are gone... Mom died. Dad walked out on us before I was born." Then he bowed down and burst into tears. "All I can say is that she's a strong girl..." Then he went off of the stage and returned to his seat.

I looked at Will and saw him cry even more on his seat and I put my hand on him and so did John who was looking and smiling up at him innocently. "Everything's gonna be alright Will." I told him as I hugged him.

The next day, Elisa was already put into her resting place. We went back to their car and drove to a restaurant to have lunch... Back there, as I watched Elisa's casket be put into her tomb, I promised to myself and to Elisa that I'll take care of Will and John and I would be always there for them, no matter what happens.


I'll upload the Epilogue tomorrow! Yep. The Epilogue. I have to end this now because there are still other edition of this of the other boys that were all lined up in my works list. I hope you'll enjoy the second book!

Much love,


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