Chapter 2

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(Veronica's POV)

      My dad just walked through the door with his suit. I jumped up away from the Television and gave daddy a hug "Hi daddy!" I said. "Hi sweetie!" He said, putting his briefcase down. Mom came from her bedroom. And said "Hey honey, how was your day at work?"daddy said "Wonderful baby how was yours?" he smiled spontaneously. "Same!" mom pulled him into a kiss "eWww!" I said while walking away from them, I sat back on the on the green sofa. I was watching a show called Degrassi season 10.(btw I love that show) I decided to lay back instead of sitting on it.

(2 hours later)

"Veronica, time to take your shower!" I heard mom say from her bedroom.

"Okay mom, just let me grab my things!" so I walked to my bedroom and grabbed my Sweet pea and violet soap, my deodorant, and most of all...Purple Underwear.

I walked to the bathroom I closed the door behind me locked it, and turned on the shower on. 10 minutes later I did what I have to do. Then started slipping on my clothes, once I was done I heard a knock on the other side of the door. "Veronica, it's me your mother may I come in?" She said nicely. "Sure mom, just make sure you closed the door." I said politely. She peeked her head in the bathroom.

"Okay do not walk in the living room because I just mopped the floor." I nodded. I grabbed all my things from the sink and walked out as mom followed behind me.

I walked in to my bedroom and put my things down on the dresser in front of me when my mother walked in the kitchen to get leftovers for my dad. "Mom I'm going to bed, goodnight!" I heard footsteps coming towards my room, which I knew it was mom. "Goodnight sweetheart, I love you!" she whispered as she kissed my forehead goodnight." Night mom, love you. I said mom finally walked out and shut he door. I  turned of the light above my night stand. not too long ago I fell asleep.

(Niall's POV)

"So what do we do for the day, I mean we just go here?" Louis said while tweeting on Twitter.

"Maybe we meet our fans outside!" Zayn said while looking down at his feet and rubbing his fingers together.

"I agree I love to meet fans, there always saying I'm the best in our group you know!" I joined in the chat.

"Well...we're all the best, Because we're the best boy band in the universe!" Harry bragged a little. I smiled.

"Well why are we sitting here for, I wanna go meet fans!" Liam said while getting off of the bed. We left our bags here on our beds as we all left our hotel room. They took the the elevator while I took he stairs. I waited for the rest of the bandmates. I looked to my right, and I spotted those girls who were starred at me the earlier. I walked over to them and talked to them. "Hi, my name is Niall and I think you've heard of the boy band called One Direction?"

"Yeah my name is Hailey, and It was nice for you to introduce yourself, and also I've heard One Direction Your first Single was What's make you Beautiful, Right?"

"Ye-" the band called my name, They seen me talk to Hailey "I'll be back soon, Bye!" I walked over to my band."Hey Guys!" They didn't say anything, I joined walking with them.

"Who was that girl you were talking to?" Louis said.

"Hailey, She looked at me earlier without saying anything."

"Oh, well your secret's safe with me!" he smiled.

"I can hear our fans, as we're getting closer!" Liam said as we walked even closer.

"Look there they are they are now!" Harry said while he looked for a short while.

We went our separate ways and started meeting our fans. There were girls everywhere, I guess they're are really big fans ever.

(Veronica's POV)

It was morning, I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I started scrubbing all around, Once I was done I walked back to my bedroom. I close the door, so my parents will know that I'm getting dressed. I pulled off my night clothes, nothing was left but my bra and underwear. I looked in my closet, and I saw a White blouse and a pair of blue pants. I slipped that outfit on and I looked in my mirror.

"I look very cute in this outfit, I look fabu!" I said to myself in the mirror. I walked out of my room and left the door open. I walked in the kitchen where mom was.

"Whatcha cooking mommy?" I said.

"Bacon and eggs with bitscuits!" She said while smiling.

"Mom I wanna tell you something, you always cook the greatest meals. Seriously!"

"Why thank you! that means so much coming from you!" She giggles a little then smiled.

"You're Welcome btw."I said happily

"Young teenagers and those initials!" She giggles.

"Where's daddy?" I said curiously.

"Oh he left for work!" She replied.

"But how its not six thirty yet!" I repsponded while looking confused.

"Yeah I said the same thing, His job called him ten minutes earlier and he had very important confrence to go to." She responded very slowly.

"Oh, well that's good to hear!" I said normally.

Breakfast was all finished and we sat the table and started eating.

Ten minutes later I dumped my paper plate fell into the garbage and washed my fork. "See you later mom gotta go to school!!!" she gave a kiss on the cheek. "See you later sweetie!" She said as walk out on her and shut the door.

I've got a text message from Dylan:

"Meet you at the bus stop. see you there :)"

"Ok!" I text back to dylan.

"I logged on to twitter and posted "I walking to school with my buddy Hashtag perfect day!" I've got like twenty favorites.

"I'm here where R U?" I texed Dylan.

*one new message*

"I'm walking up there to you see... look up:-)" Dylan sat next to me and put up his phone. I did too.

"Hey!"Dylan said happliy.

"Hey, what are you happy about?" I said curiously.

"Oh, well I talk things out with my mom about her yelling at me, she said that she will stop! isn't that great news?!"

"Seriously you're weird..but a good friend though!" I said normally.

"Yeah ok!" he giggles. "Here comes the Bus now" He said while we're getting and hopped on the bus. The bus driver and drives us to school.


Hey guys been up all night writing this Chapter I hope you love it all ready I love it all ready ok im honest. The fact of the of day is...

"Niall loves it when girls Play with his hair"

tell me waht you think Follow me on twitter I can let you help me add a character or do a comedy scene in this story


If you have any Questions or comments pleaze tell me on twitter when I first Released Chapter one you guys were already 5 of you I was so excited I literally didn't Know what to do! seriously No li

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