Chapter 28

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(Niall's POV)

      After several dates with Veronica, I felt that I knew that she was the only girl for me. Hailey was not nearly as good as her. Veronica is the sweetest girl on the planet, and this time, I won't let anything get in our relationship, not even Hailey. I took her on walks in the parks, carnivals, and movie date nights, and so far, it felt like were getting closer in Love. Her hair blasted backwards in the wind, but still looked beautiful. I look in her beautiful Nut-brown eyes, and she looked into mine. I smiled.

"You're beautiful, Veronica Tyler." I said, her smiled freezed into her cheeks.

"Thank you," She whispered. I kissed her left cheek, I felt her cheek smiled. As we sat on the bench, My arms snaked around her hips, staring off into the sunset. Her head laid down into my shoulder. Few minutes of silence, Her smiled melted, and she sat up.

"Is something wrong?, am I not holding you right?" I asked.

"No, you're fine, I'm just worried about something." She stated.

"Well, what's that?"

"Don't be mad when you hear this. I had a boyfriend." She started off with, then continued. "I broke up with him because he cheated on me four months ago. Now, he's going to blow my-" She condensed sentence.

"Your what?" I asked.

"Nothing," She said.

Nothing. Silence appeared.

I walked her home. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I let her. She walks upstairs, and I left from where I was standing. The next mornings bloomed by, and my feet swings from the bed. My feet touched the warm rug's spot where the sunlight hinted the center of it. I wiped my eyes. I walk to the refrigerator. Liam walked up to me and patted my back.

"Hey Niall, what's up?" He said.

"The ceiling?" I said, my orbs' brows wasn't sure.

"No, what's going on?" He said. His face reproached.

"Oh, everything's fine." I said, grabbing the carton of Orange Juice. I took the cap of and sipped some of it. Liam took it away from me and instructed me to sit. I followed.

"Niall, are you happy with your relationship?" He asked. I sit down and stared.

"Yes, why did you ask?" I questioned him. He hands me an short envelope with My name on it. I open it, and my eyes scanned down the letter. It's all Veronica's information. My eyes were zoomed open, and my eyebrows were sprouting up. It stated that Veronica had AIDS. I hope this wasn't true. I am feeling mixed signals, and Liam patted my back. The room feels blurry a little and my eyes are raining down tears like clouds. My back decided to lay back and my feet are spreading apart.

"Why didn't give me this earlier?" I asked.

"It just came in the mail this morning, How was I suppose to know?" Liam spoke. I keep in my position.

"Okay, I'm going to bed." I said standing up, clutching the paper.

"But you just woke up." Liam said. I walk into my room. I close the door, staring at the wall. I caught a flashback when were at the park, on the bench, yesterday. I remember her pausing in her sentence. I was trying to figure out why she wouldn't tell me. Was this it? Was she waiting for me to react to her pause? I laid on the side of my body. I can't stop thinking about what the paper stated. That's why her name sounded familiar. It's forcing for my head to hurt. With a headache, I fell asleep.

     I am at Walker's restaurant with Veronica. She noticed that I'm acting awkward, but I don't react to it. She noticed that I wasn't ordering. She still didn't bring up the subject. I am wondering what's the hell is going on. She ordered a drink as I sat there and stared at her. I stared away for a second, still looking out of the corner of left eye. She looked down; the conversations in the background are kind of boisterous. The male waitress came back with water and little chunks of sea shrimps trapped inside a bowl.

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