Chapter 17

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(Veronica's Pov)

The next morning, I woke up with slobber all over my mouth. Which felt like I had wet water over me, which is gross. Next I've got out of bed and made me cereal, because I felt lazy cooking breakfast. I walked to the kitchen table queitly started eating, Then I heard heavy footsteps sweeping across the floor. I knew it was my mother because of the heavy trudge.

"Morning sweetie, today's Sunday. Which means-" I condensed her sentence.

"Cleaning day!" I shouted. "Yeah, so did you take your pills?" She asks.

"No ma'am, not yet." I stated.

"Well, I want you to take it after your breakfast." She says.

I was finished with my breakfast and washed the bowl, and made an entrence into my room and swallowed my pills. Which I didn't want to do.

I picked up my phone clicked Twitter, then followed some people. Than I was bored, then I remembered that I have music on my phone. I clicked "Music" the shortcut, and grabbed my earphones. Before I plugged into my ears, I heard a loud knocked on the door, which I knew it was my dad.

"You're okay sweetheart?" He asked.

"Yep, do you need something dad."

"Nope, just checking if you were okay!" He simply said.

"Okay dad!" I smiled at him.

He left the corner of the door, and left me standing there. I continued to what I was doing, started my music.

(Niall's POV)

I woke up then looked at the clock, its was nine-thirity, and the boys were watching Television. Well,Two of them. The other two was tweeting.

"Well boys, I'm heading out!" I said.

"Where are you going this time Niall?" Louis asked.

"To see somebody!" I stated.

"Okay then, make you're back in two hours!" Harry said eating on popcorn.

"Wow, thanks mom!" I closed the door behind me and headed to Hailey's apartment. I knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer. She opened it, revealing her beautiful face.

"Hi Niall!" She smiled gently.

"Hi, can I come in!" I said.

"Sure!" I walked in.

She sat on the couch, staring at me. What did you wanna talk to me about." She still smiled. I looked deeply into her shimmering green eyes as she flipped her long beautiful hair.

"Hello, earth to Niall!" She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry about that." I said.

"Oh not to rush you but, I have somewhere to go."

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"To the hospital." She answered.

"What happened?"

"Remember that I told you about my sister, well I have to visit her."

"Why?" I ask again.

"Beacause she has a Diesease, some type of cancer!"

"Oh yeah!" She rolled her eyes then smiled.

"I wanted to spend time with you!"

"But I see that you're busy, well if youre about to leave, can I at least take you to breakfast?" I said.

"Okay then!" She smiled sweetly.

"Just let me grab my jacket okay?" She stated.

"Okay!" I said.

I looked at the ground and smiled to myself, for no reasson at all. Hailey came out of the room with her neon blue jacket, and said "Let's go!" She demanded.

I opened the door and she walked ahead of me, then turned to me and she says "Thank you, kind Gentleman!" she smiled again.

"Youre welcome!" I said.

We both took the stairs and headed out the lobby doors, and she started the conversation. "So where are you going after breakfast?" She asked.

"I don't know, one of my bandmates said to be back in two hours." I spoke.

"And who was that?"

"It was Harry." I said.

''Oh well, you should call him and say where are you guys going."

''I will do that later, right now I want to spend time with you!"

"Aww, really?" She smiled simply.

"You're fun to be around with!" I said.

"Thanks Niall that's so sweet!"

"You deserved it!" I smiled gracefully.

We walked into starbucks and purchased our drinks. Hailey sat down first, then Niall.

"What are you doing later?" I asked.

"I have to do some shopping, what about you?"

"I dont know, I guess I'll be on twitter for the rest of the day!"

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"If you're in Los Angeles, Aren't you and your bandmates supposed to be performing a show or something?"

"Well, it depends on what our manager says." I stated.

"So he lets you know when your performing..."

"Yep!" Hailey's phone buzzed. Which distracted our conversation.

"Oops, I have to go now, call me later?"

"I don't have your number!" I said.

"Can I see your phone?"

"Sure, here."

She typed in her number then kissed my lips and gave me my phone and left.

I walked home and turned on the Television, the boys watched me and didn't say anything.

"What's wrong Niall, you didnt speak to us when you came in?" Louis said.

"Nothing." I didn't look at him.

"What really happened?" He asked.

"I just feel like me and Hailey don't spend to much time together, that's all." I spoke.


"That's it, oh." I chuckled.

"I don't know what to say for this one!" He said.

"Then why did you want to know?" I asked.


Hey beautiful readers, I just want to say that I have a twitter now and if you have any questions for me I'll be happy to answer anywhoo....

The Niall fact of the day is is. . .

Niall's favorite scary movie is Prom night

I never saw that any ways folloe my Twitter


And folloe my wattpad


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Love ya:) :-*

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