Chapter 19

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(Veronica's POV)

      When I left the living room, I limped straight to my bedroom and fell asleep, the next morning, I woke up in HUGE pain. I look at my phone, I have four new messages from Jordan.





I answered back.

She didn't reply back, but I read my alarm clock, it's 6:30am. I realized that I would be late to school. But I'm in terriable pain, I can't go out today or more this week. My mother knocked on the door, I answered.

"Come In!"

She sat on the bed, but not next to my sore foot.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm slight worse than yesterday!"

"oh, do you want to go to school?"

 "No, I can't go if I'm pain!"

"Oh okay," Mother stroked my hair. "I'm going to help you get dressed then, drive us okay?"

"Thanks, but you don't have to help me get dressed."

"Okay!" She left out.

I put on a different shirt and I left on my pajama pants. My mother got dressed and grabbed her car keys.

"Veronica, lets go!"

 We left out the house and she helped me to the car. My phone buzzed Its was Jordan

"No its not okay, I'm your best friend and your mine. Friends support each other no matter what happens! And I won't let anyone hurt you!"

I thought for a minute, that's what Dylan said to me, he said "I won't let anybody hurt you!" and I trusted him. I replied to Jordan.

"Your right, friends do support each other, and no matter what happens, They're always there for each other :)"

I looked up and we arrived to our destination, the ride felt short. Mom glanced into her mirror ansd looked at me.

"Veronica, are you ready?"

"No,but we're going anyway!" I said pathetically.

We walked into the place, it was really quiet. There weren't many people as I thought it would be, I held on to mom as she was talking to the lady at the front desk. I thought she looked kind of mean.

"Hello, my name is Merrie Tyler and I'm here because of my daughter. She has a soar ancle and she's been limping for a day and a half!" Mother complained.

"Okay let me see what I can do," the lady was typing on the laptop. "What's her name?"

"Veronica Tyler."

"Nice name. Okay your going to sit in the the waiting room until the doctor calls you in okay?"

"Thank you!" Mother said politly.

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