Chapter 6

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(Veronica's POV)

I woke up and looked at my phone screen, its three forty two in the morning. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. So I've got out my bed and started wandering around, then I had an Idea. I looked in my closet and got started scanning with my eyes. Then I caught something with my eyes, I picked it of the hanger and checked it to see if it had any stains on it. I kept turning it from to back and turns out their wasn't any stains. I heard a knock on my door, the door revealed my mom. I looked at her green silky robe.

"Honey, your supposed to go to bed, what are you doing up?" Mom said very sliently.

"Nothing I just..." I pounced on my bed and looked at mom.

"You what?" She turned her head away slightly.

"Choosing what outfit to wear for tomarrow!" I said.

Mom sat on the couch and kept looking at me.

"You could do all that in the morning, go to bed now." She said with a serious impression on her face.

"Okay."I said.

"No No No, what!?" She yelled.

"Yes Ma'am!" I sighed.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Mom said while leaving the couch.

"Goodnight. Love you." I said. I got underneath my purple covers.

"Love you too baby" Mom closed the door.

I laid on my purple pillow and tried falling back to sleep, I turned up the radio a little to help me. I laid back to my sleeping position, because I was a little tired. The song Radioactive has begun, but I was exhausted to hear it. By the time the song ended I finally fell asleep.


(Niall's POV)

It was almost morning, and viewed the time. It was four o' five, the rest of the boys were sleep. I got out of my bed and walked to the bathroom, I shut the door. I flushed. I've walked back to my bed without a sound, then I heard Zayn call my name.

"Niall is that you?" Zayn asked rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah why?" I asked Zayn.

"Oh, just wanted to know." Zayn quitted rubbing his eyes, and putted on a brown shirt and his shoes.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Going to take a walk, do you mind?" Zayn grab the keys off the table.

"Well can I come?" I said.

"Yeah sure." I asked Zayn.

"Okay just hang on for a second." I rushed over to the other side of the bed and started putting my shoes. Then grabbed my jacket.

"Ready to go?" Zayn said sitting against sitting the couch.

"Yeah lets go!" I said.

Zayn closed the door and headed towards the elevator, I walked towards the stairway. I saw Zayn, we both headed out of door.

"Where do you want to go today Niall?" Zayn said looking down at his red Nike's.

"I don't know. Its Thursday, June 5, 2013." I said.

"I didn't really asked what was the date." He looked at me.

"I know, I just wanted to get you started." I said.

"Well don't because that will cause trouble." Zayn said while giving me eye contact. I laughed.

"I'm just kidding!" Zayn smirked.

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