Chapter 29

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(Veronica's POV)

     I told my mother I will be gone with a second and appear later. My body was changing opinions, but my mind was disagreeing. A little trip later, I walked into the woods, like usual to calm some of my feelings down, and I look at the leaves' colors and I thought of the emotions that I was feeling. Leaves were flying as the wind blew. The colors reminded me of the Autumn season.

    I shivered to a conclusion where I was lost, so I sat on the bench and viewed the pond. Relaxing—thinking more mindfully, my mind jumped into the past flashbacks that happened all over yesterday. The way that Niall and I was fighting, arguing over my disease just felt terrible. I flipped out, and I couldn't control it that time. My head cringed down toward, letting my hand approach my forehead; I heard crushed leaves on the ground, I turned around. The sound of the fact that it was Niall, how did he find me here?

 He wore a very slim white t-shirt, black pants, and a coat vest.  My mouth literally plummeted open, showing my bottom teeth. He walked toward me. The questions that were clouding up in my head were trying to speak out of my mind. He sat down on the bench behind me; I inched over the a little because I was mad at him for what happened the night before. He kept his hands trapped inside coat vest, not trying to make the first move.

"Hey," said Niall.

"Hi." I said.

     The conversation was smaller than I thought, even though it was pretty silent. I felt pretty bad for myself. His hand moved onto mine, but suddenly no reaction. As we kept sitting there into the silence, I kept getting deeper into my thoughts. The feelings, the argument, and the tears. Why did I Trust him? I felt like he was perfect, now, we just sitting here doing nothing, I thought. I am pissed, pissed from every little thing from the argument. I wanted shout at him right now.

"Niall, I need to ask you something,"

His head turned to me.

"Go on," said Niall.

"Why were so curious that I had AIDS?" I asked.

"Because I found out in a letter one morning, and I was hoping it wasn't true. That's why I asked." Niall stated, making the conversation sounded very soothing. I moved closer to Niall and I got comfortable. His fingers slid into mine, and I let my head laid on his shoulder. Niall's head was disconnected from mine. He looked into my brown eyes and I didn't say anything.

"Veronica, I want to know that I love you even if you die." He stated, I looked confused.

"What are you talking about, no one said anything about dying." I laughed a little.

"I know but this very serious Ronnie," He said, "I had a dream about you, you were crying. I tried to ask what's wrong but nothing came out of you. You were so upset, I had to hold you, but you rejected it. You were bare-footed." Niall cried a tear, and his voice sounded he had a lump in his throat."And I heard you said 'Goodbye' and jumped off the balcony." He explained.

I realized what Niall said at the last part of the sentence. I know why did I wanted to kill myself, because of everything that happened in the past. I haven't told Niall about  the full story about Dylan yet. He doesn't know. He will never know.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked.

I scooted back a little. Then I started speaking. "There's nothing to say," I said.

He sighed in frustration, peering at me.

"I can see that look in your beautiful eyes, you're hiding something." He said grabbing my hand.

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