Chapter 15

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(Dylan's POV)

I couldn't believe what I just heard, Veronica didn't deserved this terrible diesease. I really felt devastating when she told the terrifying news, people like her shouldnt be left alone like this. I never felt like this before in my life. I will always support her, no matter what. She laid beside me and cuddled under my arm. She asks me "Do I hate her for this?" I explained to her "No because I love her, and I care about her too much!" I kissed her forehead and and she laid her head beside my shoulder,she laid still for a moment. Our moments kept slilence for a short while, knowing that I was that I was still their go her. I heard keys rattling at the front door, she began scolding about me, getting up from the bed.

"I'm sorry I haven't told you this but, your gonna have to hide!" She looked worried.

"Why?" I asked.

"I explain later, you have to hide please!"She said.

"Alright but where?"

"In the closet or somewhere just hurry!" She rushed me in to the closet and shut the door.

I couldn't nothing see anything but darkness, I then felt something dangled on the top of my head. The light swich I thought, I turned it on and I saw nothing but clothing and plenty of shoes. Most of them were flats and most them low high wedges. I hid in the right side of the corner, so I won't be visible in contact.

"Veronica, Where are you?" Mom shouted.

"I'm in here mom!" She shouted from the kitchen.

She walked in the in the kitchen, where Veronica was.

"Honey are you okay?" Her mother asked.

"Yeah ma'am I fine." She stated.

"Good, your father and I was really skerries for you, you've could've been hurt!"

"I know mom and plus the man doesn't know I have diesease. Where's Dad?" She said seriously.

"Oh went somewhere to do something really quickly, now sweetie I'll be in my room for a while if you need me just shout my name, Okay?" I nodded in silence

Her mom vanished out of the kitchen with silence, Veronica opened her closet door and hid in it with me.

"Okay, my mom is in her room and my dad is outside, don't worry I'm going to sneak you out somehow. I'm trying my best..." She glances down at her shoes.

"Its okay I know your doing your hardest and that's all I need from you, that's courageous and beautiful." Her eyes sparkled in light as she rest her head on my shoulder while I hugged her tight. I was frozen into my thoughts, and that's when I thought of something.

"Don't you have a backdoor?" I said.

"You're right, I can probably sneak you out of the backdoor, maybe my parents won't know that you werent here. You're brilliance." She smiled at me.

"You're welcome!" I said.

"Hahahha, c'mon!" She grabbed my hand softly.

She led me to the kitchen backdoor, I gave her a warm goodbye kiss on her soft lips.


Hi beautiful readers you guys been waiting. for this chapter for three weeks now and I love you for paitience

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Niall's naturally brunnette

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