Chapter 27

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(Veronica's POV)

     The night was smearing fog everywhere into the air, but I haven't found no sight of Building or anything. By walking, I am pasting the same trees and same stumps several times than before. I think the fact that I'm lost. I start to hear sounds fumbling behind me. I walk faster. The sound increases; I reel around. There's nothing there. I keep walking. My thoughts are colliding into one giant ball. My hands are freeze cool, and I lose some of my vision.

      I hear the sound creeping up to me, and When I turn around, It was Scott. He jumps on me, and I fell to the ground. I kick him of me; he force is too strong. I push harder, he lands to the ground softly. I make my move. I run. He chases me. Warm tears are chasing down my face, He caught me. I fall flat. I scream to get him off me, but it doesn't work. He unzips. I close my eyes and scream for help, yet no one hears my screams of Emergency.

I wake to my mother brushing my hair back and soothing me. I calm down. I don't want to dream of that Nightmare again. I shed a couple of tears.

"Honey, what wrong?" She asked.

"Mom," I stated. "You don't know what I just been through?"

"That man is haunting you?" She said, caressing my face and the side of my ears.

"Yeah, I just had a nightmare about the guy!" I said, freaking out.

She hugged me tight, she whispered something that I could not hear. But as I sat in her comfort, I figured that she might've just let me stay there. I let go of her. She looked at me.

"Are you okay?" She questioned me.

"Now I am," I said.

I climb out of bed and fell on my feet. Finally, Merrie left the room, leaving me behind. I stand there. I grabbed clothes and started heading for the shower. I clutched whatever I needed: Deodorant, fresh pair of clothing, and makeup. After twenty minutes,  I looked for Merrie. She was standing in the kitchen, eating some breakfast.

"Mom, I'll be right back." I said. Mom gave a simple look. I don't respond back.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To get some fresh air."

"Okay," She was being completely annoying and very curious. I just wanted to leave and walk away.

"I'll be right back,"

"Okay, well be careful, we don't want anything to happened like last time." She yelled. I closed the door.

      I searched and searched for a close place to sit, I chose a restaurant. I waited there, thinking about what happened earlier. The chase, the actions, and the emergency cries for help, why didn't no one help me? The memory aches my head as my lip dribbled. Trying to suppress the tears, I held my hands and cover my face. I don't want this to happen ever again. I hope that guy is thinking about his reward: AIDS.

While I sat in pressure, the door ringed opened. I didn't care at all. I wipe the tears on the back of my hand. I cringed my head into the table.

"Veronica, is that you?" A familiar voice asked. I keep silent, but I l gazed up. It was Niall. In the inside, I was smiling like someone gave me a thousand dollars. But I didn't expressed that feeling. I keep it to myself. He sat down next to me. I flinched in silence, but suddenly, I broke eye contact.

"Why are you weeping?" he asked, stroking my back. I don't respond. I kept silent.

"It's okay, you can tell me," he said. His ocean blue eyes were glimmering into the sunlight, yet he never interrupted his gaze. Yet, I felt more engaged. I boosted my confidence to say something. Anything.

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