Chapter 22

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(Veronica's POV)

      Today's getting better; it's better than yesterday. Soon, I get up from the chair, throw my plate away, and watch Television in my bedroom. I flick through channel through channel until I find something immensely scilitating, and that's when I found Austin & Ally. My favorite character is on the show is Ally Dawson: she smart, sophisticated, and a sweet person. But what I like about her is she won't let anyone take advantage from her; not even herself.  Mom calls me to get ready for school. After I'm dressed, she drives me. While she drives, I stare out of the window. Dark and translucent. Merrie turns the corner of her right eye then stares, she  pulls on the side of the road. A hand rubs my back redundantly.

    I look at her with depression, my eyes wants to leak away, but I won't them. She could tell. You know what's different? That everyday, I seem to be sad almost every moment now. Mom speaks first.

"The police man came over, they arrested the guy who..." She stops, I know she doesn't want make me angry.

"Yeah, I got it." I nodded in anger.

"Anyways, his name is Scott Hermann, but here's what pissed me off, he said they need proof."

"What? That's ridiculous. Can't the interview him, maybe be they'll see proof." The thick voice in my throat reveals.

"Don't worry about it sweetie. At least you're safe now." She pulls me into a hug.

      The car seals in the parking lot, and I get out. She stands and give me another warm, only this I wave goodbye with a smile. A lot of kids look at me, strangely. Small kids, big kids, tall kids, smart kids, Asian kids, black kids, and white kids. Each and every society. Do they know about what's happening in my life right now? Do they know who did it? Every time I pass a person, they'd whisper to their ear. I look down with guilt. Finally, I make it to my locker. Dylan's locker was on the left down the hallway, and Jordan's locker is right side of mine. First period, English.

    Ms. Madison, waves as soon as I walk pass the threshold and speaks.

"Hello Ms. Tyler, you've missed school for three days. What's the problem?" She makes a mysterious a face.

"Nothing it's personal, you won't understand." I say and walk away.

Class begins in one minute and the one-minute bell just ranged. Students bursts rushing through door immediately like TJ Max just had a sale or something. Whatever, I'm here. Ms. Madison standing in front of her desk and speaks.

"Good morning, I see that we have Veronica Tyler with us today, so you might want to welcome her on your way out. Today we're learning about redundancy. Who could tell me what does redundancy means?" She tries to say with a southern accent.

    As I make through the day, the bells starts to ring and I walk home. On my way, Dylan runs up and catches his breath. I don't stop walking fast. He taps my shoulder, I don't look back.

"We need to talk." He replies.

"There's nothing to talk about!" I say with furious voice and within my eyes. Apparently, I'm just livid.

 "Listen, what you saw the other day is not exactly what you think." Dylan finally walks up.

"You liar, I don't believe you." My hand strikes his face, really hard. It feels good.

"You little whore. Maybe that's why you got raped because you're a worthless whore!" He shouts across the street, almost I half a block away. I run away with fear.

"You are a worthless whore."

"She's worthless."

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