You will have to stay for longer

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I opened my eyes slightly, It felt like someone was watching me... I looked to the side of me and saw nothing. I looked forward too see Gerard stand there staring at me with a blank expression. I started panicking and I grabbed the flash light. I looked at it turning it on and shined it on the empty space where he did stand. What the hell? I kept the flash light in my hand and shined it around the room. There was nothing in there. I calmed myself down and laid back down putting the flash light onto the table next to me, I kept it on in case. I closed my eyes slowly and fell asleep.

"Sophie?" I heard someone say, I opened my eyes to see Gerard there smiling holding the flashlight in his hands. It was bright in the room so I was guessing it was morning. I sat up in bed and smiled at him, "How come this light was on?" He asked.

"Um, did you come into my room last night?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow, he shook his head no "I swear I saw you standing at the end of my bed... I don't mind if you was checking up on me I just want to know" I shrugged

"I was asleep last night... Ask Mikey" He told me and I nodded. I stood up and yawned making Gerard laugh. "Breakfast?" He asked and I nodded walking out of the room with him. We walked into the kitchen where everyone was sitting eating toast.

"Help yourself" Frank said pointing at all of the toast. I sat down and took 1 piece. Gerard sat next to me and smiled.

"You don't eat much do you" He asked and I smiled nodding.

"Sophie, what time are we planning to leave?" Sarah asked, she didn't mean to sound rude but it came out rude.

"Whenever we're all dressed and ready" I laughed and saw Gerard drop his smile, he had the blank expression on like when I think I saw him last night.

"You Don't Need to go" Frank said smiling but I shook my head.

"We want to go on vacation" I shrugged and took the last piece of toast in my mouth, I swallowed and drank some orange juice which was near me.

"In the desert?" Mikey asked laughing and we all nodded "Why?"

"Why not?" Joey smiled "Adventuress!" She chuckled and Mikey joined in, He put his arm around her neck and I saw his bare arm. There was scars all along his wrists. I looked away and I think Gerard noticed I saw them.

"I'll go get ready" I told them smiling and walked out of the kitchen and ran to my room. I opened my suitcase and picked out some clothes. I think I'll wear my locket today, It was my grandmothers. I searched my suitcase but couldn't find it. I Knew I packed it. I started panicking chucking clothes out of the suitcase but I couldn't find it! I slipped into my new clothes and ran downstairs. Everyone apart from me was ready.

"What's wrong?" Gerard asked

"Has anyone seen my locket?" I asked worried, everyone stared at me looking clueless. I steadied my breathing, "The one my grandmother gave to me" I told the girls and they gasped shaking there heads. "Well, has anyone been in my room?"

"Only me last night but you saw me leave" Gerard told me.

"Maybe you left it at home" Joey shrugged, I always took it with me though. Maybe I just forgot because of the excitement? I nodded and ran upstairs packing my suitcase again. I dragged it downstairs and walked out to the car chucking it in the boot. I ran to the drivers seat and looked at the tank... Empty.

"What the hell?" I said frustrated

"What's wrong?" Frank asked walking to the window

"I'm out of petrol!?" I whispered... There was a full tank yesterday.

"Well you did get lost so you probably drove more than you should've done" Frank laughed, something wasn't right. I knew I didn't drive that far to use all of the petrol.

"Look's like you will have to stay for longer" Gerard smirked. Something strange was happening here... They was up to something but I couldn't think what?

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