Ask some questions?

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Me and Joey slowly walked downstairs and stood at the entrance to the living room, Gerard was standing next to Frank. Mikey looked slightly annoyed. He turned around on the sofa and looked at Joey, he smiled at her but she just squeezed my hand tighter.

"You okay Joey?" He asked

"Yeah" She whispered and he stood up slowly walking over to her, I saw Gerard stare at me like he was watching for the slightest move and he'd run over.

"You've been crying" Mikey said walking over to her hugging her, I still held her hand and Mikey pulled away looking at me.

"Yeah but I'm here for her, she's fine now... Just as long as I'm with her" I told him and I saw Frank pull a face.

"I'll get you some ice cream" Mikey smiled and Joey chuckled slightly. I stared at Frank's scratch, maybe it was time to ask some questions?

"How did you get that scratch on your face?" I asked and he had a blank expression on his face, he was thinking...

"Sarah scratched me when I was running after her" He chuckled

"Why was you running after her?" I asked

"She roughed up my hair so I told her I'd get her" He laughed rubbing his head. His hair looked the same when I saw him outside. I heard something in the kitchen and my head turned to  that direction. What the hell was Mikey doing?

"Joey, can you help me... I don't know what flavour you like and there's too many to carry!" Mikey screamed and I felt Joey's hand slip away from mine.

"Joey?" I called out but she skipped to the kitchen and I started panicking. Why would she do that? Did she just forget? Gerard came closer to me and I stepped back slowly. My heart beat picked up a faster pace.

"What's wrong Sophie?" He asked smiling slightly.

"I just want to be alone... I need air" I shrugged and he nodded standing still, he kept his eye on me and I calmed myself.

"What was the names of the girls in your story Frank?" I asked nervously, he raised an eyebrow but never answered. "What happened to them?" I asked and he just looked away.  Gerard stepped closer and I held out my hand so he would stop. I heard a scream coming from the kitchen, It was Joey. I needed to go now. I looked at Gerard who was so close and I ran for the door. I opened it and ran out into the desert.

"SOPHIE!" Gerard shouted running after me, he was so close. Shit. I ran and ran until I felt a hand grab my arm and then wrap around my waist carrying me backwards.

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