I want to see my friends (Tessa's POV)

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My head hurts so much, All I heard was screaming from upstairs. It was so dark in this room and so cold. All I remember is Frank hitting me over the head with a shovel or something. My hands and feet were tied together with some rope and it was so tight it hurt. I saw the door open at the top of some stairs and Ray walked in closing the door and walking towards me. He was with Frank when he hit me! I tried to move away from him but he only came closer.

"Your awake!" He chuckled

"What are you going to do?" I asked petrified and he smiled

"You should think yourself lucky Tessa, I don't do much... If you knew what the guys were doing to your friends you would be so thankful"

"Oh well thanks for hitting me over the head and tying me up!" I screamed and he slapped me, my face stang and he just sighed.

"Don't scream" He said and pointed at my stomach "Your gaining weight" He shook his head "Less food for you miss!"

"I don't care if you call me fat, just let me go.. I'll run into the desert and not tell anyone. Heck I'll loose weight in the desert" I begged but he just smiled at me.

"I'm not stupid Tessa. You're staying here" I hit my head on the wall behind me and sobbed quietly. Why was they doing this to all of us?

"I want to see my friends" I whispered

"You could of if you didn't decide that you wanted to leave, we all could of been happy but no. You girls decided that you wanted to leave"

"So your doing all this to make us stay?" I asked and he nodded.

"It's the only way you will stay"

"Why do you want us too stay" I asked as he wiped my tears away.

"You mean something special to us... We can't let you leave" He whispered sitting next to me with his back against the wall.

"If we mean something special to you then we wouldn't be stuck here with our hands tied together and shit" I told him and he chuckled.

"We all agreed that if you behaved we will let you out of these rooms, so if you want to see your friends again then behave" He told me. I needed to escape, I hated basements... I hated being tied up. I think anyone would. Maybe If I pretended to love Ray he would let me free?

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