Chapter 12- Gabriel (Edited)

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I followed Damion into gas station, followed by both Lilly and Matthew. My whole body was tense, and I couldn't help but look around, feeling as if something bad was going to happen. I gritted my teeth together and hunched my shoulders closer to my body, trying to make sure that I wasn't standing out amongst the other people here.

"Relax, Old Man," Damion teased, sending a dark smirk my way when I glared at him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I will be going to the restrooms, and you will be waiting outside. You don't have to be in there when I... do business."

I grunted in response and followed him to the back of the building before leaning against the wall by the bathroom. My green eyes flicked across the building, always moving and always calculating. I could tell that Matthew and Lilly were getting something to eat and probably some food for Anne as well.

"So, I see that you are by yourself, Archie," a voice said to my right, startling me from my thoughts of Annie.

I turned towards my right to see a girl about the age of eighteen, though I knew that she was older than the way she looked. She stood about 5'4 with fair skin and slender build. That didn't stop showing the muscles that she had or the markings on her arm, indicating that she was an "Enforcer" of our kind.

It was her duty to make sure that the Fallen stayed at their assigned places, and if not, then they lead the Bounty Hunters to the Fallen that didn't follow orders. It took the officials a while to send the "Enforcers" to find the Fallen, so I was surprised that she had found us quickly.

"What? Raphael has your tongue?" she all but teased, her green eyes flashing a warning.

I grunted. "What do you want Zoë?" I asked, annoyed with the female.

Zoë moved a hand through her red hair, smirking. "For you and your "posse" to go back to New York City," she said. She looked at her nails, relaxing even under my critical gaze. "You know the rules."

"We do know that, Zoë," a cold voice said from behind me. "However, we can not go back, not unless you want to die."

I turned around to see Anne looking at the other female, disgust written all over her face. Her startling gray eyes were a lighter color, and I could see the tension coming off of her in waves. She clenched and unclenched her fists, and I knew that she was ready to fight if need be.

Zoë looked visibly shaken by the fact that Anne was there, and I could see the wheels turning in her head. "He told me to tell Gabriel, not you." She glanced her up and down and flinched when Anne let out a small unhuman hiss. "You have a price on your head as well as your other "buddies"."

"Leave, and don't follow us," Anne warned. "I don't care what He has to say. If we don't get back what had been taken from the Angels, then all of us will be dead."

"No, just you," she replied. She sounded so unsure of herself that even her fake look didn't help convince us.

Anne smirked, and for a minute, I didn't see that sweet innocent girl that I had fallen for but a well trained killer who had secrets shrouding her every move and her whole being. "Do you want to bet?" she asked icely, a sneer on her face. "I will win."

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