Chapter 27- Anne Marie

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I fiddled with my scythe and looked at the people that were under my command. I had sworn to protect all of them, even though I wasn't on good terms with some, mainly the Enforcers and Hunters. I glanced at those that I had crossed the lines with before looking at my whole group. "Are we all in agreement?" I asked, looking them over, causing some to look away from my steely gaze.

They all looked at each other before nodding. Most of them had a blank look on their face while others showed the fear, nervousness, or confidence that they were feeling. They knew that this might be the end of the Angels if whoever got the sword, and they knew that they needed to work together.

I nodded my head. "Let's do it," I said, unfurling my wings and watched as the other Angels did the same. "Zoë, you go first," I said, causing the Enforcer to nod her head.

Zoë nodded her head, again, and flew into the sky with a third of the large group. She paused and looked at me smirking. "You stay alive," she warned. "He said that He had some... things to talk to you about." After that, she flew towards the East, her powers somewhat shining through.

I scowled when she said that but waited for her to disappear before I turned to look at Mercer. My heart ached when I caught him staring at me, and I knew that out of all the people that I had met, he would be the one that I would miss more than anyone else, even my own group. "Your turn."

He nodded his head and pulled me into a hug, causing me to grunt out in annoyance. He chuckled and patted my back, ignoring the fact that I was tense. "Stay safe," he said, pulling away. He moved a strand of black hair behind my ear and backed up.

I nodded and stayed silent as I watched his whole body shake. I wasn't fazed when wings unfurled from his back as well as a tail and horns. I had seen him in his true form more times than not, mainly because of the business I had done before taking over the pub.

The male that tried to hurt me sucked in a deep breath. "Evolutionary Demon," he muttered in shock. He glanced at me, and I could see some shock and respect in his eyes because Evolutionary Demons normally didn't work well with Angels, especially those that were close to being Archangels. "How..?"

I didn't say a word but shook my head, indicating that it was best for him not to know. I watched as Mercer nodded his head before taking off. My heart ached as I watched him leave because I knew that he might have made himself a target to the Angels. Evolutionary Demons weren't supposed to be alive, but I knew a few that had escaped the slaughter, mainly because they had been in a different realm.

After he was gone, I looked at the last group. "Go direct traffic," I said to the main male, ignoring his curious gaze. I glanced at one of the demons that were still here. "Make sure that the others behave."

The Demon nodded his head, knowing what I was talking about. "Will do," he said. "You be careful. Lucifer will be pissed if you get killed."

I pulled out my scythe and flicked my wrist, smirking. I knew that he would be pissed if I died, but that didn't bother me much. I knew that I could handle him. "He can be pissed all he wants. He can't do anything."

The Demon nodded his head and looked at the Hunter. "Ready to help the Humans get out before whatever big thing is coming?"

The Hunter pulled out his scythe and flicked his wrist. He glanced at me, more like staring at my scythe before looking at the Demon. "Yes," he replied. Again, he glanced my way. "Make it quick." With that, the rest of the group left, leaving my four companions and myself alone.

I looked at them, pride blossoming because I was proud that I got to know these group of fine men and women. I knew that I might not survive, but I was proud to be protecting the Humans and other Angels with this group.

I knew that they would be upset if I wasn't there to help them, but I knew that they knew that I needed them to stay alive. I needed them to do what I had been doing. I needed them to protect the Humans and Fallen and Matthew to protect the information that I had gathered during my long life.

I sighed and fiddled with my scythe and looked at them, raising an eyebrow. "Well?" I asked, flicking my wings. "Ready?"


The four of them looked at each other and then at me. Realization dawned in their eyes that this might be the end. They knew that they wouldn't be able to stop me and that I would do it without them if I need to.

Lilly let out a strangled sob and flung herself on me. She held on, and I knew that she was praying for someone else to go in and not me. "Don't go," she whispered, breaking my heart.

I leaned my scythe against the van and hugged her back. My heart ached because I hated that she was crying for me and because of me. "I have to," I replied, rubbing her back. "What I do and what I did is to protect you three." I glanced at the rest and saw that they all looked so forlorn. "I hate saying this, but you three, well four, are my family. I would die to protect you all."

"We should run and hide, let the monster take over. Anything to keep you safe."

"Hide where?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "The other dimensions are sickening, and if he controls this one then he can control the others."

Lilly pulled away and looked at me, confused. "Dimensions?" she asked, causing me to tense. "What dimensions?"

Shit, I thought, scowling myself for giving away that piece of information. I smiled, grimly and shook my head. "Can't tell you," I replied. "I am not even supposed to know."

"But, you know a lot of things," Matthew said. "Did you find out on accident or..."

I shrugged my shoulder. "More or less," I replied. I glanced up at the sky and frowned, hating the fact the clouds covered the sun. "No more talking. We have to go. Now." I paused and looked at them, raising an eyebrow. "Now, my question is, are you ready?"

They nodded their heads and started to lift off into the air. They hovered over my head and waited as I grabbed my scythe and something else that they didn't need to know about.

I looked up at them and flicked my wings. "Le-"

Warm lips captured mine, causing me to stop talking and relax. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me closer.

Gabriel pulled away after we were both breathless and smiled. Love shone in his eyes, causing my heart to skip into my throat. "Good luck," he said, causing me to nod, unable to talk. He pecked my lips one more time and stared at me, pulling away. "I love you."

I offered him a small smile, letting the love shine through my eyes. I couldn't say those three words, my past holding me back. "I know," I replied before jumping into the air.

The three other elemental Angels stared at us in shock. No words were said between them, and I knew that Gabriel had surprised them as much as he had surprised me.

"Well?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What are you all waiting for? Let's go save the world." And with that, I started to go the way we needed to go with the four other Angels following me.

God, I prayed silently, let me live so that I can tell Gabriel that I love him.  

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