Epilogue- Anne Marie (10 years later) (Edited)

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I sat on the edge of the tallest building and looked at the stars. I could see the Heavens lighting up for some celebration, and I didn't care that I wasn't a part of it.

It had been ten years since the mishap with the sword, and a lot has changed and yet, a lot has stayed the same.

Gabriel gave the sword back to Him and took his spot back by His side. He was doing well and the mark of the Fallen had been removed. He and I did not work out, but that was ok in the end. He had his life, his duty, and I had mine.

Matthew and Lilly had been given the chance to start over fresh with each other. They had the chance to be born again, grow old with each other, and die. They had a chance to forget what had happened to them, and with my blessing, they took it.

Damion stayed by my side. He and I tried a relationship out, but we stopped when the people after me tried to kill him and almost succeeded. He stayed loyal to me and helped me run Angel's Pub. He never asked about my past, and for that, I was grateful.

"So, what do you think they are celebrating?" Damion asked. He placed a blanket over my shoulders and looked at the Heavens.

I shrugged my shoulder, grunting out my thanks. "Don't know," I replied when he sat down next to me. "It has to be something big."

"Like... Matthew and Lilly dying again?" Damion asked, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Ya, like He would let that happen," I said. "He said that they can have a "normal" life. I don't think that he'll take it away from them."

"Will they remember their old selves when they die?" he asked, causing me to nod my head.

"Why? Do you miss them?"

Damion shrugged his shoulder. "It's kind of hard to keep an eye on you by myself," he replied. "And I know that you do."

I shrugged my shoulder. He was right, I did miss them. "But, they wanted to and they are happy."

"Are you?"

I looked at Damion and then at the Heavens. I had no idea what life would be like for me in the next ten to twenty years, but I didn't care.

I could travel where I wanted to with Damion by my side. I could help other Fallen Angels and Humans in need of assistance and be a "Guardian Angel". I was able to do a lot more now than I had in the past with little to no repercussions.

"Ya," I said. "Ya, I guess that I am."

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