Chapter 17- Damion

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Three hours have passed since we had gotten back on the road again with little to no trouble. There had been a couple of Hunters in Panama, leaving us to leave earlier than 6 pm. Anne had gotten us away from them before pulling over and letting me drive with Gabriel sitting beside me and Anne laying in the back.

I couldn't help but grit my teeth annoyed to have the Archangel beside me, even though I knew that Anne needed the whole back seat to stretch out. Michael wouldn't give up his seat because he wanted to stay next to Lilly.

"Let me drive," a groggy voice said coming from the back, breaking me from my thoughts. "I can feel your annoyance and anger picking up."

"Not happening, Annie," I replied, earning a hiss from her. I smirked and looked at her through the rearview mirror. Her eyes were a silver color, and I could tell that she was annoyed. "We are still doing that half thing. That means I drive halfway there and you drive the rest."

"Stop calling me Annie," she grumbled laying back down in the back seat. "Don't forget to not go through Louisiana. There had been huge sightings of Hunters-"

"Yes, you told me that already," I seethed, annoyed. I clenched my hands around the steering wheel hating the fact that a Freshling had come to us to warn us about Louisiana and that Lucifer had lost Lilly's sperm donor. "Now, go back to sleep. You get cranky when you are tired."

"You are worse," she mumbled before her breath evened out, and she was asleep again.

"You care about her, don't you?" Gabriel asked from the passenger seat. A smirk appeared on my face when I heard the jealousy in his voice. "If you didn't then you would have let her drive some more and not let her sleep."

I snorted and smirked. "Someone is jealous," I teased, causing him to glare at me.

"We all care about her," a soft voice said from behind me. Lilly looked down and blushed when we stared at her. "I-I mean that she protects us from getting hurt. It's hard not to when she is like our Guardian Angel."

"Even though she hides half of the stuff she does," I muttered. I grunted and rolled my eyes, wanting nothing more than to find out what she has been hiding all these years. There had to be some way that she had gotten all money, even if though she had been on Earth longer than any of us had.

"She likes you, Gabriel," Lilly said, interrupting me from my thoughts. "I can tell. She's loved you then, and she still does."

"You said like and love," I said, looking back up at her, narrowing my eyes. "Which one is it?"

Lilly looked down and chewed on the inside of her cheek. She leaned close to Matthew when he moved closer to her, glaring at me. "Both," she whispered. She took a deep breath and looked me in the eye, her jaw set stubbornly. "She loves and likes him, even though she isn't supposed to." Her voice was leveled, and I was slightly impressed that she didn't back down.

"And why hasn't she acted on them?" Gabriel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Rules, obviously," I replied, rolling my eyes. "I didn't know Archangels could be dumb."

"Watch it, Damien," Gabriel hissed, glaring at me. "I can and will turn you into a Shell."

I sneered, not afraid. "If you do that, then Anne will hate you," I replied. "She has worked hard to make sure that we stayed alive and were able to live with her."

"Because He let her," Gabriel replied. "She isn't God nor an Archangel. She has no power."

I smirked. "She has power of the wind," I replied. "You are looking at the Angels who could save or break the whole society with one flick of our wrist." I flicked my wrist, letting a bit of fire burn before letting it go out. "That is why we are alive."  



Ummmmm sorry had to do that. But seriously, can you feel the hatred between Gabriel and Damien?

What are your thoughts on this chapter or this book?

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins


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