Chapter 2- Gabriel (Edited)

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I cleared my throat and looked away from her. She was right. Seeing her wasn't the only reason. There was another reason, a reason that I didn't want to tell her. Regret filled my system. How could I tell her that I was a Fallen? How could I ask her to put her life in danger for my mistake?

The mark on my back flared up, making me gasp in pain. Wasn't it just a day ago that I was up in The City close to my orientation to become a Superior? I didn't know how, but somehow I ended up on the floor, shaking. What I did know was that Annie had come down to my level and held my head as my body convulsed in pain.

After a few minutes, my body stopped convulsing, and I was left shaking. I vaguely heard Annie mumble incoherent words, while the pain of my back, finally, started to ebbed away, and I could concentrate on my surroundings.

"How long?" I heard her ask as I opened my eyes to look in her clear gray eyes. She rolled them, annoyed, as I didn't answer her quickly. Her black hair fell down into her face, and it took all my willpower not to move it out of the way, so I could see both of her eyes. "How long ago did you become a Fallen?"

I averted my gaze and looked around, trying to buy me some precious time. I knew that if I told her, then I would have to tell her what was said to me. I could feel her gaze on me and didn't know if she was upset or not. Finally, I sighed and looked at her. "Yesterday," I croaked out. I cleared my throat, trying to say it again. "Yesterday morning, I was pronounced a Fallen until..."

She raised an eyebrow, and her pink lips were pressed into a firm line. She waited a few minutes before she pressed on. "Until...?"

I looked away from her feeling ashamed about the whole matter. "Until I get back the Sword of Amara," I muttered. "And I need your help."


An hour or so passed, or it felt like it, until I looked up at her.

Her face was pale and her mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out.

I knew that she had heard what I had said, by the shock look on her face.  "You don't have to help," I said, looking down, bitterly. "I can stay down here." With you, I added silently.

She sighed and helped me stand. "All right," she said, making my heart plummet, because I thought she wouldn't help me. "I'll help. But, if one of your Archangel buddies doesn't like what I do, then they can just suck it. "

I looked at her, surprised. "But you could be turned into a Shell," I blurted out, not thinking of what I was saying.

A Shell was a Fallen Angel who walked around the Earth in a lost state. They neither belonged up in The City or to the Underworld with Lucifer and the Demons. So, they just walked around moaning and groaning, since they didn't have a purpose.

Annie sighed and stayed by my side while I got steady on my feet, again. "It wouldn't be the first time that I was threatened in turning into a Shell." She rolled her eyes. "'Sides, this time I'm taking Matthew, Damion, and Lilly with me."

"Uh, no you are not," I said, feeling slightly jealous of the fact that she said two of those names. They had made me feel as if I wasn't important. Also, I was a little jealous that she had said them. It wasn't my fault that I didn't like them.

Annie studied me and smirked, knowing what I was thinking. "Someone's jealous," she teased. "Are you not?"

I huffed and folded my arms across my chest. I couldn't help but pout while I looked at her. "I am not," I said, defensively, making her smirk. "They just disrespected me. That's why they were kicked out."

"They also control the elements, like me," she replied, creating a small tornado in her hand as she raised an eyebrow. "And Matthew was just following Damion's footsteps, even they argue nonstop." Her face darkened a little, making me wonder how much they got on her nerves.

I smiled while Annie's face turned beat red, like it did when she was annoyed and angry about something. "You are too cute when you are annoyed," I said, absentmindedly.

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