Chapter 24- Damion

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I lifted my head when Matthew walked into the safe house from where I was in the living room. A frown appeared on my face because I could not see Anne next to him and was a bit worried. "You know that you are pretty stupid," I said, laying my head against the couch. I stretched and yawned before looking up at him.

Matt scoffed and rolled his eyes. He glared, and I could see the dislike and hatred in his eyes for me. "And how am I stupid? It isn't my fault that she is hiding stuff from us."

I huffed and sat up. "She is protecting us by hiding stuff," I replied, even though I hated it as well. "Like she said, it is dangerous to know stuff about her. It could get you killed."

"Ya, right," Matt muttered, sarcastically. He narrowed his eyes. "And how would you know?"

"It killed Analise," I replied. I shrugged and grimaced. "Or it turned her into a Shell." I missed her. She had been the love of my life, and I knew that Anne felt guilty that she was gone. I knew that it wasn't her fault, even though some days, I couldn't help but think that it was.

Anne could've stopped Analise from searching her past, but she let her. She let her continue it until it had ended up getting her killed.

I could've sworn that I had been with Analise when she found some information, and I was curious as to why I was still alive. I couldn't remember all of what had happened, and what I found out, but I remembered seeing Anne crying for the first time. That was one memory that would haunt me forever because she seemed to be so unbreakable that I forget that she had feelings.

"Damion," Matthew said, causing me to remember that he was in the room with me. He pursed his lips and scowled when I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "What do you know?" he asked.

"I know that Anne cries, even if we never have seen her cry," I replied, coldly. "And, I know that she will do whatever she can to make sure that we are safe." I paused and looked at my hands, not all surprised to see them clenched in rage. "Even if it means getting us to forget about her and disappearing."

Matthew snorted, and I knew that he rolled his eyes. "Ya, like that would help us. Her enemies could kill us."

"Oh, but they wouldn't," someone said at the door. Mercer walked into the living room and ran a hand through his hair, grimacing. "Anne would make sure that you were safe if she ever decided to leave you without your memory of her. She has done it before."


Mercer smirked but didn't say a word. His eyes held this sadness in them, and I could tell that he knew what it meant to lose a loved one. "My wife... uh... ex-wife... was... is... a human when we met her," he said. "She... she has someone else now and lives a normal life. Anne makes sure that she is protected for me."

"Don't people attack her?" Matthew asked. "If she makes us forget about her, then it could lead to Lilly getting hurt."

"That female, that left to make sure that we are safe, loves Lilly as her own child," Mercer snapped, finally losing his cool. "That female would do anything to protect her as well as you, you all." He huffed and shook his head. "Just go to the room you were assigned to and get some sleep. You all will have a long day tomorrow." He looked at us before walking away going somewhere.

Matthew scowled but left as well.

I shook my head and sighed laying down. I knew that Anne would be safe, wherever she went, but I wasn't going to sleep until she came in. I owed her my life, and I knew that Analise would want me to help out, even if she didn't want me to.  

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