Chapter 5- Damion (Edited)

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She told us to meet at the hidden spot. She never told us that through our link. She was usually here when we needed to have a discussion. However, that was not the case today. Something's up and it was something big.

I could feel it in my bones, and I didn't like it. I grunted a little and flicked open my black wings as I looked at the other two members of our small group and could tell that they were nervous, or Lilly for that matter.

"Do you think that we have to move?" Lilly asked for the umpteenth time. "I-I mean He might not like it that we are this close to Anne Marie." She fiddled with the hem of her shirt and bit her lip.

I rolled my dark brown eyes at her and didn't say anything. I knew that if I did, then all hell would be let loose between me and Matthew.

"Don't worry," the male, Matthew, said besides her squeezing her hand. "Anne won't let us be broken up. She'll become a Shell before that happens."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Don't do that, Matthew," I said, looking at him in disgust. "Anne can't protect us forever. And we all know that."

There was a chuckle from behind me, and I turned around to see that Anne was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. A small smile, or a sneer, flickered on her face as she looked at me, challenging me with her gaze.

"I hope that I wasn't hearing doubts in my abilities to keep you all safe," she said. She folded her arms across her chest, while she watched us. However, it looked like she was looking at me, making me roll my eyes.

"And what if I was?" I asked, coldly. I mimicked her stance by folding my arms across my chest and giving her a cold look. "You could be two-timing us. That is always a possibility. Is it not?"

She raised her eyebrow further, her eyes flashing. Somewhere underneath the warning, there was hurt, since I did hit a soft spot. "And who would I be two-timing?" she asked, her voice cold and laced with warning. "I was kicked out before you all and-"

"And, you were closer to becoming an Archangel," I interjected, interrupting her. "And you are... in love with a certain Archangel, even though that he shouldn't be in love with you."

"Don't fight, please," Lilly said looking between us. "I-"

"I know, Dear," Anne said softly looking at her fondly. She turned to look at me, challenge filling her eyes. "But sometimes we have to."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I replied. "Now why are we here, again?"

Anne frowned a little and cocked her head. Quickly, she reached back and pulled in a stiff male. My eyes widened a little before they narrowed.

Anger spurt through my system and I had to close my fists, so I wouldn't shoot him up in flames, even though I really wanted to do that. "Why the hell is he here?" I snarled looking at the male. Hatred filled my body, and I could feel the room heat up as my anger soared.


"Damion, control your anger," Anne snapped. "He needs our help."

I rolled my eyes, not caring that he was a higher rank than me. "And why should we help him?" I asked shooting him a glare. "All he ever did was make all of our lives miserable." I sent her a look as if to say 'or have you forgotten'.

Annie snorted, shook her head and narrowed her eyes, ignoring the look that I had sent her. "Damion, it's about the Sword of Amara. Remember, if the sword is in the wrong hands, then everything will be lost. That means no more us and no more them. We all will be plunged into darkness. Do you want that to happen?"

Sword of Amara the sword that had been entrusted in Gabriel's name. I glanced at Gabriel before looking at Anne. I could tell that she was getting angry, but hey, it wasn't my fault that the ass hole had lost the sword that had such "great" power. "And why should we help him?" I asked with a sneer. "It's his fault. He should be the one that gets it."

Anne sighed and ran two fingers on the bridge of her nose. "We can control the elements," she said finally. "Have you ever wondered why my wings stayed white?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "My wings were always black, because-"

"Because you can control fire," Anne interrupted me, making me grunt annoyed. "That is why your wings stayed black. Mine are white because I control Air. Lilly's are speckled brown because she controls Earth. Matthew's are kind of bluish in the right light, since he controls water. But if the Sword of Amara is gone..."

"You won't die or become a Shell. You have much more leeway than any of us do." I gestured to the three of us, while I looked at her in the eye.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I will. It doesn't matter that my father is "buddies" with him. I've been away from him for too long. It wouldn't matter, anyways."

I grunted and looked at her seriously. Part of me knew that she was right and that she wouldn't change her mind. "What will happen to us if you do become a Shell?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Anne shrugged her shoulder. "You will survive. Nothing will happen to you all, if I have anything to say about it." Truth filled her voice as she looked at me. "You are second in command. They listen to you, sometimes." She paused and sighed. "If you are in this, then they will be in it, also. If not... then I'm still going to go. Everything is already set up and with one call, it will all be under your name. The business and everything else."

She was going to go and do it. Part of me was annoyed that she would help him, but another part told me that she would help anyone, no matter what they had done or what had happened between them.  I was impressed, kind of. She didn't have to know that, though.

"All right," I said, finally. I glared at Gabriel. "But if he crosses me, once, then I'm leaving and I don't give a crap about what you say. Got it?"

Anne smiled a little and nodded. "Deal," she replied.

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