Chapter 21- Anne Marie (Edited)

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I glared at the male in front of me, this male that had caused me so much pain and nightmares. My whole body stung from where he had tortured me, and I knew that it was just the pulling of the scars. The air around us turned more violent as my urge to hurt him got stronger, but I knew that I couldn't. Not yet, at least. "What do you want?" I asked, my voice cold and unforgiving. I moved in front of Matthew, who had his girl in his arms. I needed to protect Lilly from Ranaldo, and I knew that the only way to do that was to get her out of harm's way.

Ranaldo followed my movements and smirked when he saw the female behind me. "I want my daughter," he said, his tone leaving no room for arguments. "It would be in your... best interest if you just handed her over." He gestured towards the Demons that he had with him and then nodded behind him where the Hunters were standing. "It seems that you have been surrounded."

I shook my head no, gritting my teeth together. I knew that I was outnumbered one to one million, but that had never stopped me from protecting my clan. "You are not taking her," I said, digging my nails into my palms. I was ready to attack, to pounce as quick as lightning and kill him. I wasn't going to let this group get hurt because the Demons and the Hunters didn't like that I was here, searching for the missing sword. "Where is it?" I asked, knowing full well that he had something to do with the disappearance of the sword.

He frowned, not liking my attitude and shook his head. He tsked, not saying a word about where the Sword of Amara was. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he replied. "I would know if..."

I arched an eyebrow when he smirked and glanced behind me. "If..?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest. "What?"

"You give me my daughter," he said. He smirked, knowing full well that I wouldn't when I hissed. "That is fine, I can give the sword to my boss, and we will all be free."

I took a step forward, not caring about the Hunters nor Demons around us. My hands were clenched into fists while I glared at the male in front of me. "Where. Is. It?" I asked, the need to let my wings out growing every passing second.

"Sorry, lips are sealed." He turned to look at the female behind me. "Come on, Dearest," he said, trying to pull the 'I'm-a-good-Dad' card on her. "Why don't we go and leave this group?"

"You aren't taking her," Matthew said, holding her close to him. He narrowed his eyes, and I could tell that he was shaking from anger. His whole body was rigid, and I knew that if I didn't attak soon, then he would.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me where I can and can't go?" Lilly, or not Lilly, said. "Now, get your dirty paws off of me before I punch you in the throat."

I held back a smirk and turned my head to the side to watch Matthew push the female away in disgust. "Amber," I said to the Demon, glad that what I had planned to keep Lilly safe worked. Something in me had told me that Ranaldo would try and attack us here. Mercer and I had planned for Amber to switch with Lilly to make sure that she would be safe.

Matthew glared at me, and I knew that he didn't like not knowing where Lilly was. "Sure, why don't you have her somewhere else so Ranaldo can get to her," he said, sarcastically. "That was a brilliant idea."

Ranaldo smirked. "Well, since you do not seem to have the person that I am looking for, I do not feel as bad by doing this." He moved his hands around, causing shadows to lengthen around us and the Hunters. The shadows started to crush the buildings around us.

I, quickly, shoved my group back as well as the "friendly" Demons and Hunters before making a huge dome around them. I was about to make one around myself when Ranaldo grabbed hold of me and slammed me into a wall with a pipe sticking out.

My head banged up against the wall, and I could feel myself slip into unconsciousness. And, while that was happening, shouts and yells filled my ears before no sound could reach me except for the menacing laughter of Ranaldo.

He was now on the top of my hit list.  

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