Chapter 13- Matthew (Edited)

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I pulled Lilly into the van when Anne Marie contacted me. My whole body tense, because I knew that something bad had happened. Anne wouldn't contact me using that link she had if it hadn't been.

"Matt?" Lilly's soft voice asked, breaking me from my thoughts. She placed her hand on my shoulder, causing me to shudder. "Is everything alright?"

I placed my hand over hers and squeezed it. "Ya," I replied. "It's just a precaution." I kissed her hand and grinned when she let out a small giggle. "It's nothing to worry about."

"Do you like me?" she blurted out, causing me to blink and to look at her. She blushed and took her hand from mine, and I couldn't help but miss her warmth. "Uh... I-I it's-"

"Yes," I said, interrupting her. My face turned as red as her, and I couldn't help but pull at my collar. I cleared my throat. "I've loved you since the day that you had walked into my life." I moved a hand through my hair and sighed. "Well, when you accidentally fell on me."

Lilly blushed and looked down. Her blonde hair fell in her face, and I couldn't help but move it out of the way and have her look at me with those deep baby blue eyes of hers.

"Ummm...." I cleared my throat. "Can I... can I kiss you?" I asked.

Lily gave me a half smile and nodded her head. "I-I think I'd like that," she whispered. She leaned forward and closed those eyes of hers.

I took a deep breath and leaned forward as well. I could feel her breath on my lips and tasted the peppermint of it. I closed my eyes as well, leaning my head forward and-

A banging sound made us both jump and hit our foreheads. We groaned and moved away from each other just as the front door opened and came in a seething Anne.

"I don't care that you had to take a piss," she seethed while Damion came in and closed the door behind him. "You were supposed to watch over Gabriel." She slammed the door shut and started the car just as Gabriel got in and Damion sat down in his seat.

"Why didn't you keep him with you?" Damion asked.

Anne huffed and looked up at him through the mirror, her jaw jutted out. "I thought one of the Enforcers would come for me and not for one of you all." Anger came off of her on waves, and Lilly and I couldn't help but look at each other. She hadn't been this angry in a long time, not since the time when Lilly's father tried to see her.

I grabbed Lilly's hand and squeezed it, hearing her deep shuddering breath. I smiled at her, earning a smile from her.

"Am I missing something here?" someone asked, causing both of us to look up to see Anne staring at us.

Lilly blushed and took her hand out of mine, and I couldn't help but miss her touch. "N-n-no," she stuttered. "Who did y-y-you see?"

Anne glanced at me before turning her attention back to Lilly. "Zoë." This caused us to take a deep breath and earned a whimper from Lilly.

Zoë was one of the "kinder" Enforcers out there. She usually told us where to stay away and give us a day or so to get back to the place where we were supposed to be. After her... there were those that would turn us into Shells if we hadn't gotten back into our place or found a safe house.

"You four have a choice to make," she said. "I can turn the SUV around and go back to New York City and drop you all off. Or, I can take this SUV to where Panama. It's your choice."

"Won't you get hurt worse if you try to leave?" Lilly asked. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Anne's hand tightened on the steering wheel. "I'll be fine," she replied, hoarsely. "It won't be the first time that I had to leave as soon as I went back."

"Well, I say that you go to Panama. I'm tired of the cold," Damion said. "And, I think Archie has to come with you as well." He smirked when Gabriel narrowed his eyes.

"And, you might need us," Lilly said, softly. She looked down and away from Anne's calculating look. "We do have powers."

"That was why we had left in the first place," I added, causing her to hum in agreement.

"Alright, Panama it is," she said, starting to go that way. "Rules still apply."  

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