Chapter 19- Anne Marie (Edited)

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I scowled while I walked through the streets of Los Angeles, folding my arms across my chest. I was really pissed because not only did Damion wake me up late so that I wasn't able to drive the group, but he had the nerve to leave us and try to find the sword by himself.

"It's not that bad," Gabriel said, catching on to my foul mood. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, reassuringly. "He is just trying to help out." He was more relaxed by the fact that Damion wasn't with us, and that made me more annoyed than I was.

"And he is going to get himself killed," I all but growled out, gritting my teeth. I turned around to see that Matthew and Lilly were still behind us. "It's dangerous," I added, catching their curious gazes.

"How?" Lilly asked, catching up with us. She pulled Michael along, and I could tell that Matthew liked it.

I sighed and slipped my hand out of Gabriel's hand, missing his warmth instantly. "Because..." I took a deep breath and tried to by my some time to figure out what I wanted to say. "You know me. You don't live as long as I did and not make enemies."

"Is that... why you are secretive?" Matthew asked.

I hesitated but nodded. "That is why, I want you all to stay close and not talk if someone talks to us," I warned.

"Now, I hope you are not talking about me, Mary," a voice said. "I thought we left on good terms."

I turned around to see one of my greater allies, holding Damion by the ear. Relief filled my body before I quickly changed my feelings into a scowl. "Hello, Mercer," I greeted, coldly.

Mercer's grin grew wider, disappearing into his brown beard. "Come no, Mary," he teased, causing me to roll my eyes at the nickname he had given me ages ago. "You aren't still mad about that, are you?"

"Yes, I am still pissed about it," I spat. "You sold me out for what... fifteen one night stands?"

"And they were very good, thank you very much." He smirked. "And, I did try to apologize to you, yet you threw a car at my head."

"Be glad it wasn't a semi," I muttered. I jutted my chin to Damion. "Thanks for findin' him."

"Your scent was over him," Mercer replied. He pushed him towards me, causing Damion to glare and mutter some incoherent words. "Now, Archie, it would be best if you stopped trying to use your powers on me. I am one of the nicer Demons that will not try to kill you." He grinned, even though it was more of a sneer.

I huffed and narrowed my eyes at Gabriel, annoyed. "Why are you here?" I asked, turning my attention back to him.

"To help you, of course," he replied. "And to find Ranaldo." He glared at nothing, his anger spiking. "I am going to fucking kill him."

Images of him beating me up came through my mind, causing me to grit my hands and growl. I could still feel myself being weak from the torture he had delivered me. I could, even, remember the screams that made my throat raw after a month of nonstop torture.

"Don't worry, he won't get any of you," Mercer promised, catching my heart speeding up. "Come on, Luc told me what you are looking for, and I know a safe place that you can rest your heads before you head out."

"I rested enough," I grumbled, glaring at Damion who just shrugged. "I'll scout."

"Then take Reno with you," he advised. "Sorry, Archie. You'll have to leave hee by herself. Don't worry, she can handle herself." He grimaced and rubbed his jaw, causing me to smirk.

"D'awww, don't tell me that a hundred-year-old wound still hurts," I teased, gesturing for him to lead the way.

"You threw a horse at me and then a fist, yes it still hurts," Mercer grumbled, teasingly. "Now, let's get going. Hunters are still around, and you are a beacon." He glanced at Gabriel because it wasn't a joke that he was more of a beacon because of his higher rank.

Gabriel glowered but didn't say a word while he followed the rest of us. "Do you know any Angels?" He asked.

"I know you," I replied, earning a snicker from Mercer. "Reno and Georganna are Fallens as well," I added. "The only reason why they hang out with Mercer and Faolon is that they somehow ended up being paired together in a death match."

"With you," Mercer grunted, pausing and turning around to look at us. A smile appeared on his face, again disappearing into his thick beard while his black eyes held fondness in them from a memory. "First time we ever met and you were raging like a bull."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed and saw the confused look that Damion had given me. "Yes, I was captured and had to participate in that event."

"What event?" Gabriel asked, confused. He glanced at me before looking at Mercer. Jealousy filled his system, causing me to raise an eyebrow because he had nothing to be jealous about. He didn't say a word but stared straight ahead, even though his whole body tensed.

Mercer frowned and looked around, his whole body tensing as well. "You don't want to know," he warned. He cleared his throat. "Well, we have to get going unless you want to participate in the event." He paused and scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Trust me, it is not a pretty sight." He cleared his throat, again before starting to walk the way that we were supposed to go. "Come, there will be time for questions later. Everyone is there, and it is getting late."

I huffed and followed the older male. I knew that it was no use to argue with him by the fact that we had been through so much together. I just hoped that he hadn't turned on me as well.  


A/N: How do ya'll like this Mercer fellow? Think he'll turn out to be bad or good?

Please, don't forget to vote/comment. I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks ya'll,


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