Chapter 6- Lilly (Edited)

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I was nervous. I was nervous of this whole operation. After Anne Marie and Gabriel told us what we needed to know, she sent us to pack. And, here I was with my hands, shaking, thinking of every bad thing that could happen to us. I stopped a little while after I had almost finished packing and clutched my hands together, trying to stop my heart from pounding like a runaway train.

Breathe, Lil, I thought, taking one steady breath after another. You can do this... I hope.

I moved a hand through my blonde hair and stayed still, trying to concentrate on my breathing. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in.

There was a knock on the door, making me gulp and breaking me from my thoughts. "C-come in," I said, stuttering a bit as I closed my blue eyes, not wanting to see whoever it was.

The door opened and closed, before someone padded silently over to me. "You all right?" I heard Anne ask. "You're heart is pounding like a runaway train."

I nodded my head taking a deep breath in before letting it out. I kept my eyes closed, trying to breath some more. "I-I'm f-f-fine," I replied. "N-nev-v-v-ver bet-t-t-ter."

I heard her chuckle as she sat me down on the bed. I opened my eyes to look in her gray eyes. Her eyes were filled with compassion and worry. I was surprised that she did care about me. No one did, except for maybe Matthew.

"I need you to take a deep breath for me and close your eyes. Think of something that makes you happy."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and pictured Matthew and how he made me feel. I pictured his light brown eyes streaked with gold. I pictured his wavy, brown hair and then his lopsided grin when he smiled at me. I remembered him kissing me, and my face turned scarlet red. However I was calmer than I had been before, and I was grateful for that.

As I opened my eyes I saw Anne smirking at me, which caused me to blush some more. "I- ummmm... I feel better now. Thank you."

Annie nodded her head. "You can stay here and hold down fort," she said, knowing that I was nervous about this whole mission. "It'll be alright."

I shook my head no, not wanting to stay by myself while they risk their lives to save humanity. "I'm coming with you. I-I can do an element, too."

Anne nodded her head and sighed. "All right," she said. "You must stick with Matthew at all times. Do you understand me?"

I nodded my head yes. I understood. I knew that I might be a weak link to the group, but I knew that I could help out.

Anne looked at me hard as if she had heard my thoughts. A frown appeared on her face, while she looked at me.

I gulped while I watched her eyes kind of turn into darker gray. My whole body was tense while I watched her. I had seen her eyes turn a darker gray when she was really annoyed or pissed at something. It didn't feel too good to be the cause of her annoyance.

"You're not a weak link. Never forget that, Lilly. You just had a hard past and need to learn that you are special. Do you understand me?"

I nodded my head. I knew that she was trying to make me feel better. She would be there for anyone if need be. I was just nervous of what would happen to me. I-I mean, I was always called the weakest person and that was why- I shook my head, breaking myself from those thoughts.

Annie nodded her head, also, before standing up. She squeezed my shoulder, giving me some comfort. "Good. Now, finish packing up what you need. It's almost time to go."

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