Chapter 14- Lilly (Edited)

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I placed my hands in my lap and moved around. I was nervous about my feelings for Matthew, and I needed help. I looked in the rearview mirror to see that Anne was all ready looking at me and raised an eyebrow.

I knew that she was wondering if she could talk to me through the link that she could make with us, but she wouldn't if I didn't want her to. I gave her a small nod before taking a small breath when I felt another presence in my mind.

"What's up, Kiddo?" she asked, looking back at the road.

"I need help," I blurted out. My face turned red and I ducked down shyly when she chuckled.

"What's with the chuckle?" Gabriel asked, looking at Anne. From where I was at, I could see the love that he had for her, and I was certain that if she could, she would be kissing him.

"It's nothing, Gabriel," Anne replied. She looked back at me before looking at the road. "I would, but I can't. He's an Arch-Angel. Me..." She let her voice trail off with a sigh. "Now, are you wondering what you should do with Matthew?"

I looked down and nodded my head, blushing. "Ya, do you think he likes me?"

"I think he does," she replied. "If he didn't, then he wouldn't have kissed you." There was a chuckle. "He did want to, even though he didn't. I am sorry that we interrupted."

"No, no, it's fine," I replied. My heart pounded a bit, and I still felt the high of when I wanted to kiss him. "What should I do?"

"Let him in. He will not hurt you."

I nodded my head. "Ok," I said. "Are we going to be stopping to get some sleep? Or are we going to be going there?"

"We will be driving straight through," Anne replied. "Zoë probably told everyone that we will not be going back, so people will be coming at us. I will be able to protect the group better if we are moving and not somewhere else."

I nodded, understanding her reasoning. However, I was worried that she wouldn't be able to protect us without any sleep. Sure, Angels do not sleep, but we do meditate and the older Angels, the ones that have been on the Earth longer needed some shut eye to make sure that we don't keel over.

"I'll be fine," Anne said, catching the look of worry on my face. "You're going to have to worry about yourself. There was a pause before she sighed. "I do not know who we will see once we get to Panama."

I took a deep breath and made fists. I dug my nails into my palm, and I knew that I was going to have half moon dents in my skin. My breathing turned a bit ragged, and I knew that I was on the verge of a panic attack.

Warm, calloused hands grabbed one of mine. Soft fingers opened up my palm and rubbed my hand.

"Breathe, Lil," a soothing voice said. "In, out." There was some fiddling of the seat belt, and I was from it. The person brought me into their lap, and I couldn't help but clutch the person as if they were my lifeline.

I took a deep breath and got a whiff of a woodsy scent that seemed to always be Matthew's smell. I dug my face into his neck and breathed more if it, calming myself fully. "Thank you," I mumbled into his neck, causing him to chuckle.

"Feel better?" he asked, causing me to nod my head. "Good. I'm going to put you back in your seat. We do not want to be pulled over."

I nodded my head and let Matthew place me back into my seat. My face was very red by this point, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to look at Damion, or else he would say something.

"We will watch over you," Anne promised. "He won't be able to get near you."

I nodded my head, trusting what she had said. However, I couldn't help but think of that sliver of doubt that my fa- sperm donor would get to me and try to kill me.  

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