Chapter 1- Anne Marie (Edited)

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It was dark, stormy, and windy in New York City. The air was cold, making me shiver slightly. Mortals scurried underneath me from my perch on top of a building in New York City as they tried to find from Mother Nature's wrath.

I'm guessing He's angry about something, I thought, not moving from my perch as the wind and rain hit me, drenching and chilling me to the bone, even though I had a windbreaker on. Still, I stayed put and waited for whoever or whatever that my skin prick and tingle.

I flicked my wings a little, trying to keep my feathers from sticking together. Flying, as usual, would be very hard to do in this weather. The reason was because the water made the wings heavy, and it will create drag. So, we fall. We meaning avian creatures or Fallen Angels.

I lifted my head and squinted to keep the rain out of them. I could barely see the lights of The City, even from my high perch.

I find it quite amusing about how mortals can be quite simple-minded about religion. God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, and even those from Polytheistic Religions have been made under one being. Even though the Greeks or Romans believed that Zeus or Jupiter, in Roman was the highest God out of all Gods and Goddesses, he still had to answer to this higher being.

The only people, or well, they were not people, and I was sure that they hadn't been people to begin with. Maybe a better word to describe them was beings. Any who, those beings that knew all about this higher being, were called in angel terms, Superiors, or as mortals called them as Lights.

Ever heard of the saying 'there is always a light at the end of the tunnel'? Well, they were talking about the Superiors. They come in different shapes and forms to help lead mortals on the right path. Sometimes, mortals will ignore them. Other times, they will listen and find some sort of happiness, even if it was just for a little bit.

Mortals mind's couldn't interpret the great knowledge of who this being was and how they were created, so, they made things up. This was the way that they could understand what was out there. That was how "evolution" played out.

My skin, again, tingled and prickled, breaking me from my thoughts. Finally, I knew why my skin was prickling and tingling. Someone, out of the norm, was on my territory.

I tensed and looked around, trying to get an idea of where whoever was making me feel uneasy. "I know you are there," I said, not turning to look behind me. I knew that the thing that was making me feel uncomfortable was behind me.

There was a chuckle, and I could feel the shift in the wind, knowing that whoever it was that was out there, now could be seen. "It took you longer than usual, Annie," a male voice said, with a slight teasing behind it.

My heart skipped a beat as he said those words. I turned to see the man whom I had loved, when I was up in The City. "Gabriel," I said, nodding my head in respect to the Archangel. I had to take a deep breath and hold myself still, so I wouldn't run into this man's arms.

"Hello, Annie," he said, his voice cracking a little.

I took a look at him and could see some unshed tears, making his green eyes glisten a little. His blonde hair fell into his eyes, and I had this urge to move it out of his face. However, I didn't because Angels couldn't mix together. That was a reason on why I was sent back to Earth from The City.

"It's nice to see you, again. It's been a while, has it not?"

I nodded my head. "Aye," I replied. "It's been a very long time. Before the American Civil War."

Gabriel nodded his head. "You were helping the African Americans get to the North, before your banishment to what is now known as New York City."

I looked away from him, my face set into an unreadable mask. I still felt the sting of pain and rejection as I had seen him on that night, when he was sent to tell me the warning about going back. "I was already banished to New York City, then," I said, a little coldly. "You were there to make sure that I was to leave the group and return immediately to my "designated area" or else you were to make me into a Shell." I looked up at him, not letting him see the pain that he had caused me. It had been my duty to help set those people free, but I had to stop.

He flinched a little and looked down. His blonde hair covered his face while he sighed. "I'm sorry, but you know that-"

My sigh interrupted him. I looked down and flicked my wings, feeling uncomfortable. The wind and rain had quieted down, and  it was just drizzling, making it feel colder. "I know, Gabriel. It's your job even though..." my voice trailed off. I couldn't say it. How could I look at this man, this Archangel, and still feel for him as I had many, many, many years ago? Hadn't loving him cause me so much pain? Yes, but I still loved him. I couldn't stop loving him, even though he was in The City, and I was not.

Gabriel walked over to me and enfulged me in a hug. He rested his head onto of my head, making me feel a bit small, even though I stood at 5'8. However, he stood at 6'4, which was taller than me.

I buried my head into his chest and breathed in his scent, which smelt of grass after it rained. My whole body relaxed, even though I didn't know why it was tensed in the beginning. I hugged him, letting my wings relax also.

Gabriel wrapped me in his wings, and I couldn't help but wonder how much love this male had for me, even though I was a Fallen.

After a few minutes, I had to pull away from him. I looked into his green eyes and blinked a little. Questions ran through my brain, making me want to know the answers. His blonde hair fell into his eyes, taking my breath away a little. However, I tried not to let him see the effects he had on me.

He sighed and released me. He frowned while, he looked me up and down. He was probably seeing if I had changed much, even though Angels didn't age or anything like that.

I had to chuckle silently, because it looked like he still knew my looks, even after all the time we've been apart. However, a frown appeared on my face while I thought about something. My eyebrows creased together, while I looked into his green eyes.

Gabriel frowned and cocked his head. "Yes, what is it?"

"Why are you here?" I asked, being blunt on the matter. "Don't lie to me, and say that you just wanted to see me. I know that is not true."


A/N: I do not have any problem with any religion nor group of people. I just came up with story and thought it would be fun to write. However, I don't like the title. v.v

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