Chapter 31- Anne Marie

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I was laying on something soft that felt like a cloud. I was growing aware of the world around me, and I felt someone watching me.

With a grunt, I moved my body to attack the person, my hand grasping a sword. When I opened my eyes, I saw that there was no sword in my hands and a male looking at me amused.

"Anne Marie," the male said, bowing his head in respect. He placed my hand down, his scar from a nail visible on his hand. "It would have been more intimidating if you actually held a sword."

"It's not like I could kill you," I said, nodding my head in respect. "Your Father wouldn't have allowed me."

"Our Father," the male, Jesus, said. He gave me a pointed look, causing me to close my mouth. "And, I do not think that He would appreciate it if you had killed me in His kingdom."

I furrowed my brows and looked around to see that I was in Heaven and that I was wearing a white dress. I bit my lip to keep myself from showing my dissatisfaction with the attire, not having worn a dress in over a hundred years.

Jesus chuckled and held out his hand, causing me to put mine in his. He helped me stand before letting go. "I am sure you are dissatisfied," he said, giving me a pointed look.

"About wearing the dress, yes," I replied. "Why am I here?"

"You have a choice to make," he said. "My father wants to talk to you concerning somethings."

I grimaced not really wanting to see the Big Man. All I wanted to do was wake up from whatever was going on and make sure that most of the people under my command were still alive.

Jesus stopped in front of me, causing me to stop. He studied me, his warm brown eyes making me feel like I was an open book. "You don't want to see Him."

I shrugged and tried to stuff my hands in my pockets only to feel that I didn't have any. "Not really, no," I replied. "I am sure whatever He had placed me through were some sort of tests that I had either passed or failed. He wanted to find something, mold me into something."

"And, He did," Jesus replied. "He had molded you into a fighter, a leader that will follow but has a head on her shoulders. He made you into something that could be used to help others."

I raised an eyebrow, silently urging him to continue.

"I am sure you have heard of the Superiors?" He nodded when I nodded my head. "They have had their eyes on you since the minute you had died."

I raised an eyebrow but didn't say a word.

"They want you to be a Superior." He waited as if I was going to jump up and down and squeal in happiness. He had given me some news that other people would have enjoyed.

I gave him a weird look and studied him. "What did you eat to make you think that?" I asked, causing him to blink, slowly.

"I beg your pardon?"

I shook my head and moved a hand through my hair, noticing that it wasn't up in a ponytail. A small grimace appeared on my face because I was not fond of my long hair. "I am not cut out to be a Superior," I said.

"You are se-"

"No, I am not," I said, interrupting him. "I know I am not cut out to be a Superior. I do not want to be a Superior. I just want to go back home and just have the right to travel with my small clan to different places without my back flaring up and having a bounty on my head. Heck, I do not even want to deliver the sword to Him. I think that Gabriel should do it and have his spot back." I narrowed my eyes at him when I saw him smiling. "And, why are you smiling like that?"

"You love him," he said, talking about Gabriel.

I shrugged and furrowed my brows. "Well... ya..," I said. "It's one of the reasons why I got kicked out in the first place."

Jesus nodded his head. "Gabriel loves you."

My heart skipped a beat in my chest. I knew that he loved me but knew that his position mattered more than that. "He has a life up here that doesn't include me," I said. "And... I have a life that doesn't include him. Would... I like to see where it leads, of course, but I don't want that to be the cause of his downfall."

Jesus nodded his head. "He'll think about," he said. "Right now, you just need to wake up."

"What do y-" I wasn't able to finish what I wanted to say when everything went black.


I sat up on the beach, shoving back whoever was looming over me. I looked around before relaxing when I saw that I was on the beach, covered in sand.

"Are you ok?" a Human male asked. Worry filled his eyes as he pushed his young son behind him. "Do I need to call the ambulance?"

I blinked and stared at both of them. I was surprised to see Humans still here, so I did not know what to say. "Uh..."

"She doesn't need help, Daddy," the young boy said. He pulled at his father's jeans. "She is an Angel."

"Not now, Harry," he said, pushing his son back some. "You were half in and half out of the water. I thought you wer- Hey, are you sure you should be standing?"

"Uh... ya, ya, I am fine," I said, my legs feeling wobbly. I looked around and noticed that the sword and scythe had been placed beside me. I could see that a note was attached to the scythe but knew that I had to read it later.

"Should I call an ambulance or take you there myself?" the male asked, watching me pick up the sword and scythe but not seeing either.

"No, no," I said, shaking my head. "I live near here. My... brother is probably worried."

"Do... you need me to call anyone? You seem to be drunk."


"Anne Marie!" I heard someone yell, causing me to look in that direction. Both Lilly and Mercer ran towards me, causing my body to relax.

Mercer made it to me first and pulled me into a huge bear hug, causing me to groan out in pain. He looked worse for wear but wasn't as bad as me. He pulled away from me, keeping both hands on my shoulders.

I scowled, causing the male to smirk and wink. I knew what he was going to do and really wasn't fond of the plan.

"Don't run off like that," he scolded as if I was some sort of child. "Do you know how much worry you placed your sister and me into?"

"Sorry, Dad," I grumbled. I placed the sword in the hand that had the scythe and hugged Lilly close to me. I was relieved to see that she made it out unscathed and wondered if the others made it out alive. "He's dead," I whispered in her ear, causing her to tense. "He can't hurt you any longer."

"Thank you for finding my daughter," Mercer said. He wiped his eyes, fake crying. "She wanted to make sure that her boyfriend was safe and disobeyed my orders."

The male blinked looking uncertain. "Ok..." he said. "It's fine. Just... don't do that again," he added, looking at me. "Boys aren't worth it."

"Hey," his son said. He scowled at Mercer, and I could tell that he knew that Mercer was a Demon. "Be nice to your "daughter." She was just trying to help others."

Mercer smirked. "I promise," he said. He placed his arms around me and Lilly and guided us to wherever the safe house was. "Come on, let's go home."

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