Chapter 16- Gabriel (Edited)

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I paced the length of the suite, my whole body tense. Worry coursed through my body, and I didn't know how Anne fared or if she was even alive. "Where is she?" I muttered, running a hand through my hair. I wanted to know if she was all right or not, but I wasn't able to without using my powers or following her.

I couldn't help but smirk at that stern look that she had sent me when she knew that I would try to follow her or use my powers. It made me think that she would've been a better ArchAngel than some of the others that had been chosen by the fact that she kept to what she thought was best for the well being of others.

"Can you stop with the pacing. You are killing me here," someone groaned, breaking me from my thoughts and concern of Anne. "Or can you at least pace away from in front of the television."

"You are already dead," I replied, looking to see that Damion was looking at me with a frown on his face. "And you can't die again unless you want to be a Shell."

Damion rolled his eyes and flicked his eyes to the television before turning his attention back to me. "She's going to be back. She is probably scamming Lucifer out of lottery numbers or buying food."

I bit back a snort and shook my head. "Does it usually take this long?" I asked. I moved to the other couch and plopped onto it, running a hand through my hair.

"Sometimes longer," Damion replied. He studied me. "You love her."

I snorted. "And what do you know about love?" I asked, darkly looking at him. From what I knew about him, Damion didn't love anyone but himself. He didn't care about anyone as long as they stayed out of his way.

Damion's jaw stiffened but he didn't say a word. He looked up and directly over my shoulder and raised his eyebrow.

"He knows quite a lot, actually," someone said behind me. The door closed, sending a breeze of fresh air and peppermint sticks my way, a smell that had been unique only to Anne.

I turned to look at her to see that she had food stuff in her hands and knew that it was for the group. I frowned when I looked at her to see that she looked exhausted, just standing there with the bags in her hands.

Dark circles were under her eyes, and I was sure that it was from the fact that she had been driving sixteen odd hours straight. And maybe some sleepless nights beforehand.

"I'm fine," she said, catching the look I had given her. She looked at Damion "The sword is in Los Angeles. I was thinking that you and I drive there, taking breaks only for food and gas. Lilly still doesn't know how to drive, and I'm sure that Matt will not leave her side."

"When do we leave?" Damion asked and I was stunned that he didn't say a word of the plan.

"Six in the evening," she replied. "I need sleep before we go."

"I'm driving first."

"Where will we go if it's not there?" I asked. I knew that they could change the location of the sword before we even got there. Los Angeles was a place that had too many Angels and power for Demons to stay long.

"Playa Del Rey," Anne replied, nodding her head to what Damion had said. "I'm going to bed. Tell Matt and Lilly the plan and get food. I already ate on the way here." She walked to the table and set the food down before going to the room that had been given for her.

"What about him?"

She paused and looked at Damion, smirking. "Lucifer will try to keep him off of the streets. If he doesn't stay in Hell, then I get to deal with him." With that, she disappeared into her room and closed the door shut.

Damion leaned back in his seat and smirked. "Good," he said. "I could use the fire practice."

I leaned back in my and frowned. Who were they talking about? And why did Anne look so much like a warrior and a killer when she was talking about him?  

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